
Elephant Graveyard

Discussion Board -> Elephant Graveyard -> Beating the Dead Horse

Beating the Dead Horse

11/23/05 5:37 PM GMT
I know in my heart of hearts that we will always have issues with voting and comments for our artwork. Caedes is always working to improve this situation. Hats off to the Admins for putting up with all the whining. On that note I would (again) like to voice some concerns (whine), observations, and suggestions.
First; I still am not fond of the voting booth. Why? Well I said it before and I’ll say it again “I know Photography” I know when a photographic image is good and when it isn’t (for the most part) Yes some pictures I like better than others because of content and not composition. But even then I can be objective because I understand the principle of judging a photographic image on key elements. If I see a fractal I can tell you if I like it but I cannot tell you if it is a quality fractal. IE is it multilayered etc… So when I vote on a Fractal it is solely based on if I like the color and design. I can offer nothing as to its technical merit. This goes for other art forms as well. Not that I don’t vote on them but I tend to only vote on the ones that have invoked a positive ocular experience.
Second; I can spot the artwork of nsmith, fotobob, marilynjane, photoimagery, prettyfae, Paul_Gerritsen, and Mayne a mile away. (so much for anonymity)
Third; It limits the ability to comment on the artwork. If I could post a comment when I am voting then I wouldn’t have to try to hunt down an image I feel the need to comment on. There are some I wanted to comment on that I have yet to find on the site. Besides I’m getting old and I may forget what I wanted to say.
Forth; Without the artists comments sometimes I cannot understand why they did what they did so again I have to try to hunt the image down. I have A.D.D. I may never get there!

I see fewer and fewer comments on good artwork (not speaking to mine) I blame this on the limitations of the Voting booth. If I want to post an image I need to vote ( I agree with this principle) but if I am short on time that is all I’ll do but if I could at least have the option to post a comment at that time I would.

Suggestions; Add to the voting booth the Artists comments and a section for the voters comments.

Thanks for doing what you do!
0∈ [?]
Capturing for infinity that which only lasts for a moment.


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