

Discussion Board -> Photography -> Which subjects do you like to photograph?

Which subjects do you like to photograph?

02/23/06 12:00 AM GMT
I receive a newsletter from "The Plug-In Site" from having requested access to their freebies section .. it never sets my world on fire .. or .. changes my standard of living. ... But it doesn't piss me off either

this month's contained a POLL as they all do


POLL RESULTS: Which subjects do you like to photograph the most?
Here are the results of the latest poll with the question "Which of the following subjects do you like to photograph the most?":

01. Landscape 316 votes
02. Flowers 211 votes
03. Animals 157 votes

04. People 128 votes
05. Light Phenomenons (Sunset, Fireworks, Lights) 120 votes
06. Family & Friends 117 votes
07. Architecture 109 votes

08. Small Objects (Macro) 83 votes
09. Women 82 votes
10. Portraits 80 votes
11. Children 68 votes
12. Night Scenes 61 votes
13. Still Life or Abstract Details 59 votes
13. Textures & Patterns 59 votes
15. Events (Sport, Shows, Weddings) 52 votes
16. Other 42 votes

17. Technological Themes 26 votes
18. Underwater 17 votes
19. Astronomical Objects 16 votes
20. Men 15 votes

Landscapes, flowers and animals seem to be the most attractive subjects for most people. It is surprising to not see People among the Top 3, but I guess its votes were distributed among other topics, e.g. Family & Friends, Woman and Children. Next comes light phenomena, probably mostly sunsets, architecture and macro photography. It is a bit sad to see "Men" on the last rank, so I would like to appeal to you to find some interesting men in your surroundings and make photos of them. They will certainly be grateful if someone finally makes nice photos of them :-).

For more poll results, please visit the Know-How section at


I was deeply upset to see "dog noses" wasn't afforded its own category

How is this of interest to you .. as a caedesian?? .. It probably isn't .. I'm just keeping my name in the back of your mind for when you are old and grey, possibly of feeble mind, and you are making out your will .. there's half a chance you'll dredge my name out of the murky depths .. instead of that nitwit of a grandchild that only opened the birthday cards you sent to see how much money fell out

gotta run! .. enjoy
0∈ [?]


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