
Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc.

Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> comments-- TOO nice?

comments-- TOO nice?

02/10/04 5:30 AM GMT
lately i felt like a lot of comments have been too nice. hats off to everyone who takes time to look at images and comment, that is what makes this site so great. and also because the people are very nice, very cool.

but it's also about improving as artists and getting feedback. in the last few weeks there has been a lot of "good job, keep it up, one of my faves, 10/10" and nothing else. at the best there is a "nice colors" added in. but never any critique. even on images that truly aren't that good.

whether or not you think all these images ARE 10/10, even Michelangelo could benefit from critiques. maybe not him, lol... but you get my point. :-D
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