

Discussion Board -> Photography -> Sony wants Alpha SLR as famous as PlayStation

Sony wants Alpha SLR as famous as PlayStation

04/28/06 4:44 AM GMT


April 26, 2006
Chris Cheesman

Sony's first digital SLR – which is expected to go on sale in UK shops this summer - will be quickly followed by a number of new lenses, AP has learned.

Speaking exclusively to AP, Sony's UK product manager for digital SLRs Paul Genge said that the new Sony-branded lenses will bear 'a strong resemblance' to past lenses from Minolta and Konica Minolta.

Last week Sony announced that production of the first in a 'new breed' of SLRs will start soon – a camera which is expected to be compatible with more than 16m existing Konica Minolta (A-type bayonet mount) lenses.

Genge also revealed that Sony wants the SLR brand name 'alpha' (pictured) to become as famous as Sony's PlayStation and Walkman brands.

Though he declined to divulge any details about the camera he confirmed that it will receive its European launch 'before' the Photokina trade show which is due to take place in Germany from 26 September-1 October.

Sony's new lenses will be announced later this year and 'into 2007', according to Genge who said that Sony intends to build up a 'strong portfolio'.

spotted this @


** compatible with more than 16 million existing Konica Minolta lenses

they should try and trim their offerings a bit .. poor stockboy must be run ragged
0∈ [?]
See No Evil


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