
Elephant Graveyard

Discussion Board -> Elephant Graveyard -> The Voting Booth

The Voting Booth

06/24/06 12:09 AM GMT
I'm new to Caedes and find it to be an extremely intricate and well designed site. The only fly-in-the-ointment I've come across is in the voting booth. Understand I have no objection to voting, in fact I rather enjoy giving some feedback to the many talented members of Caedes.

My problem lies in having to vote on submissions in catagories such as "Computer" and "Abstract" to name two, which are totally foreign to me. In those genres my ignorance of what some artist may have gone through to produce the image I'm viewing, how much time was put into it's creation, how difficult the result may have been to achieve, seems to be putting that artist at an unfair disadvantage. If I go into the voting booth new images come up randomly. If one comes up that I don't wish to vote on, I can't skip by it ... unless there is a trick I'm unaware of. I've tried leaving the voting booth and returning but that same image will be waiting for me and if I don't view it ... cast a vote ... there is no going any further.

I have no appreciation for the art of Picasso nor Dali but there are many who see their work as fantastic. So be it. But why have my personal bias enter into a voting booth to give one of their pieces the thumbs up or thumbs down?

It could be said my personal bias and/or preferences are still there when I vote on "Photography". Granted, but ... if the subject matter doesn't appeal to me in a photo image at least I feel I can judge some of the technical aspects of that photo. Not true when it comes to the other catagories I mentioned.

Perhaps I'm taking this whole voting thing too seriously and making to big a thing about it, yet ... On my initial visit to Caedes, one of the first things to catch my attention was that the "Supreme Omnipotent Caedes" had gone the extra mile to see that all artists got a fair shake in getting feedback on their presentations. Very commendable I thought. I can't help feeling my vote on certain catagories does a disservice to that admirable intention.

Would it be somewhat fairer to have a choice of catagory BEFORE entering the Voting Booth? ... Just a thought. If that Supreme All-Knowing Benefactor of this website should read this I can hear the cry of, " Oh No! ... Not another newbie asking for hundreds of lines of code to be added to the site. IS THERE NO END TO THIS MADNESS? "

Maybe this subject has come up before. Long before I came upon the scene. If so I apologize for taking up time and space. I'm still feeling my way around this wondrous website.

Any thoughts? ... and remember this Johnny-Come-Lately is no Spring Chicken ... Take it easy on me :)
0∈ [?]
Just an old "Grampa" who still has a Kodak "Box" camera kicking around the attic ... learning and enjoying the wonders of modern digital photography.


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