
Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc.

Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> Concern with Top Commenting concept

Concern with Top Commenting concept

06/29/06 9:35 AM GMT
LET ME STATE THAT THIS FORUM IS NOT MEANT TO ATTACK OR BE AIMED AT ANY ONE PERSON. THIS IS MY GENERAL OPINION, I DON"T HAVE ANY ONE PERSON OR PERSONS IN MIND WHEN VOICING IT!! I've been really thinking about how hard it is to give a good well rounded critique to people's work. It takes a lot time for the average person to give that honestly. The top commentors chart isn't necissarily bad in itself, but I don't like the Caedes Cadre Prize concept for top commenting members. I'm not fond of the top commenters page in general because of the competition it creates. This, if anything should not be a contest and it doesn't encourage quality comments, but quantity comments. I've read through the idea this site has for giving a good review but I don't think most people know that the advice is there. Giving reviews are a challenge at the best of times, handling peoples art is handling peoples emotions too. Perhaps we can come up with something that gives people a wider tutorial or more up front information about reviewing (even a discussion forum that seasoned commentors visit to give advice to the weary). I think people are intimidated by the reviewing concept. Itwould be good to see people move in the helping each other direction and not just boosting each other with strictly positive comments. Positive comments make us feel the best, but don't encourage growth all the time. I guess I think the prize concept will move us farther away from that. I know it (prize idea) has not been put into action yet, so here I set my case before you. I would like to hear your ideas and opinions and especially what assembly members think. If this is the wrong place to address such a matter please some one let me know. To my best knowldege this is place to come.

0∈ [?]


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