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Why should we be the only ones to suffer?

11/27/06 12:54 AM GMT
A friend of mine turned me onto weffriddles. Friday nite A1 and I were up for 5 hours wading through the 1st 30 or so levels.

Saturday morning, I got a phone call exactly FIVE minutes after I woke up… and left an hour or so later after we'd solved 2 or 3 more levels (not including the ones that lil pissant solved after I fell asleep), and then I had to threaten him HARD to make him stop solving til I got home earlier today.

We're currently 1/2way through level 45, but I figured misery loves company? Right? No need to thank me. No. Really. It was my pleasure 8•P

(If you talk or give hints in anything except VAGUE GENERAL TERMS you will be shot and sent to bed w/out dinner. Do NOT give away the answers… I mean come on… you had to suffer to get them, why would you deprive someone else of that pleasure? 8•P)
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"


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11/27/06 1:50 AM GMT
Seek help ... immediately.

For ... anything and everything. :oP
0∈ [?]
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust
11/27/06 1:54 AM GMT
oh please… like you haven't already solved the 1st 4 levels… and if you haven't, wth's taking you so long? huh? huh?
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
11/27/06 2:14 AM GMT
I haven't even got level one...I don't get how to play this...unless this is like childprrof caps...that oinly kids can get opened.
Suffer is definately the right word!!
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/27/06 2:24 AM GMT
YES YES YES! TG for my boy. He just came along and checked my math for me and found my mistake so that we solved level 45. WOOOO HOOOOO! Man I love him 8•D
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
11/27/06 2:55 AM GMT
Levels 1 and 2 are watching TV and doing this on commercial working on level 3...I really need to kick your butt Cat!!
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/27/06 2:56 AM GMT
I can't figure out number 5... (or number 7, which I inadvertantly reached because I put in the wrong answer for number 5 :-P)

Edit: I just figured out 5.
0∈ [?]
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
11/27/06 3:16 AM GMT
level 4?? anyone??
I got levels 1, 2, and 3...4 has slowed me down a bit
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/27/06 3:32 AM GMT
I'm stuck on 9 now. No idea.
0∈ [?]
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
11/27/06 3:34 AM GMT
I got level 4 or so I thought, and skipped to level 9!!!
back to level 4...
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/27/06 3:39 AM GMT
We're done on 46 (sneaky lil bastard)
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
11/27/06 3:48 AM GMT
Jenn I think you must be delving too deep because I don't know how you got that answer for level 4! The correct answer seems more obvious... but then, I know what it is, so of course it's obvious :-P

Edit: Stuck on 11 now.
0∈ [?]
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
11/27/06 3:58 AM GMT
yay! 47 down!
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
11/27/06 4:26 AM GMT
and 48 too! (we started to make it harder than it was. lol)

omg! we only have 10 levels left to go!
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
11/27/06 4:51 AM GMT
Grrr, i want to kill you A2...i'm addicted.

Cant pass 9! -.- I feel like a moron. Previous ans were these letters but that gets me knowwhere. :-S
0∈ [?]
11/27/06 4:52 AM GMT
Level 10...and a v-tech phone...hmmm...ok, back to frying my brain and dreaming of kicking Cat's butt for turning me on to this
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/27/06 4:59 AM GMT
never fear… I CAN'T GET A1 TO COME TO BED NOW! ARGGHHH! *taps foot in corner*
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
11/27/06 5:00 AM GMT
oh tg! 49 down! We can go to bed now!
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
11/27/06 5:31 AM GMT
Yeah, #10 is now killing me. -.-
0∈ [?]
11/27/06 5:36 AM GMT
god i'm stuck on how to get to the first level
0∈ [?]
| My Gallery | Mum: Hey where did the eclaires go? Dave(Me): They went to a better place *Pats stomache* -^- Tool (the band) are bloody awesome :.:
11/27/06 5:40 AM GMT
rofl...i love the humor lvl 1 contains.
0∈ [?]
11/27/06 6:21 AM GMT
Hint: notepad will be your best friend
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/27/06 7:00 AM GMT
Well I got up to 21 and I think I've had enough for today. I'll leave you guys to it.
0∈ [?]
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
11/27/06 8:15 AM GMT
After an hour on 14, made it to 15 and I'm did this to me!!! Help now...please...
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/27/06 8:22 AM GMT
If you got 14 you should be able to get 15 fairly easily, the answer is very similar.
0∈ [?]
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
11/27/06 9:10 AM GMT
at 19 and stopping my brain hurts and it is 1 am...goodnight Caedes...and Cat, I'm gonna kick your butt for this...and that's a promise!
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/27/06 9:17 AM GMT
pssh...i can't even get to the puzzles... :(
0∈ [?]
[Wolfy][My Beautiful Lie..][</3] Feel free to email me!
11/27/06 5:21 PM GMT
...still on #10! The hints to me arnt helping...i'm doing something wrong.
0∈ [?]
11/27/06 5:48 PM GMT
Is level 10 the v-tech phone? If so, think of the numbers as co-ordinates telling you which buttons to push...the way Cat is pushing my buttons by introducing me to this evil, addictive crack!!
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/27/06 6:16 PM GMT
*peers @ Jenn* Pssst… PM him that message and don't make it so explicit here woman. That's too direct for public consumption!

And I'm so glad to hear you're having fun w/it woman 8•D
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
11/27/06 11:16 PM GMT
I don't get how to play. 8~(

I can't get to or past level 1. I see the hint, "in the dark"

~runs off to cry in corner~
0∈ [?]
Picture Purrrfect . Why does the picture come out square when the lens is round??? 8~O
11/28/06 1:18 AM GMT
Lvl 10....i've read about the coordinates, but i still dont get where that's getting me. :-S I'm still thinking, (it's why i play).
0∈ [?]
11/28/06 2:44 AM GMT
Ok, I'm going to start it up what I have found is that your mouse and notepad will become your best friends...and as it says in the directions, sometimes it really is the obvious...also if you cannot see it, you probably won't need to anyhow.
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/28/06 3:35 AM GMT
Don't forget… Google is also your friend 8•D
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
11/28/06 3:55 AM GMT
0∈ [?]
We'd love to stay here and count our brain cells as they DIE one by one, but we can't...
11/28/06 3:59 AM GMT
*smacks AL in the head because he deserves it after that*
0∈ [?]
I'm not only weird, but I'm gifted too ! ......CLICK TO SAVE LIVES ! .......MY GALLERY
11/28/06 4:26 AM GMT
stuck on #19.
I decoded the code, but in trying variations I get hit with 404's...AURGH!!! I know I am on the right track but am missing something...Cat, I am so hating you right now...hand me a crack pipe then leave me hanging...what is that about!!! C'mon, throw me a bone girl!!
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/28/06 4:52 AM GMT
Once you have cracked the code the next part should be straightforward. Maybe you haven't decoded it properly/fully?
0∈ [?]
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
11/28/06 6:07 AM GMT
no, I got it, and am at part 2, but whatever is supposed to be smacking me in the face as obvious, isn't...although I had to take an hour off to watch my beloved show Heroes...
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/28/06 6:50 AM GMT
level 23...I'm gonna be up all frikken night what are they doing in the pic???
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/28/06 7:36 AM GMT
level 25 sucks big time!!!
ok, so there are 6 images, and I have tried variations of things, even tried like I did to get thru 14 and 15...I am stuck...Sam, if you are on, and past level 25, can you send me a nudge please??? Cat??? Anyone???
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/28/06 8:03 AM GMT
level 27...another one with a bunch of images that don't make sense...
Cat, if I end up in the looney farm, you better keep me stocked with beer, football games, and jimmy buffett!!! and maybe some of those yummy "cookie" know with the chocolate inside and the cookie is all waffle-y...what are those called??
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/28/06 8:23 AM GMT
level 28 and have I said yet how much I hate this effing game??? seregation, the invisible wall...mother....expletive expletive


WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!! Level 30!!! I am so glad to be at 30...I'm sure that being at 30 means things will be so much harder as I will be entering batch 2, but woooohooo, anyway!!!

**EDIT #2**
I try copying that address on, and it takes me to a Yahoo error page. I have tried a few variations. OMFG I really hate this and yet I cannot quit it!!!
I need help with level 30 "temp ending" please!!!

**EDIT #3**
ok, was accidentally doubling my to level 30B...and OMG, WTF...this level sucks. Is it totally obvious and so I am missing it? I have referenced back, and I am just NOT getting the answer!!!

Been on this one for a while now...Cat, my sanity is failing because of you...I hope Santa puts you on his naughty list for introducing me to this evil game!!!
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/28/06 12:58 AM GMT
*goes to snicker in the corner*


*goes to stock up on chocolate wafer cookies*
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
11/28/06 7:04 PM GMT
Gee thanks're just gonna leave me here to go bonkers...just get me past this stupid level 30. c'mon...please....
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/28/06 7:27 PM GMT
WHAT IS NUMBER 1?!?!?!?! I know what it says about the thing on the last one, but highlighting does NOT WORK.
0∈ [?]
I'm so slow, when life passes by, I never get a chance to live it.
11/28/06 8:35 PM GMT
Gemma, i PM'd you
ok, to get thru batch one...
your best friends:
ctrl-a, notepad, google, the forum hints at weff, and thinking outside the box...what are you looking at and how will modifying it change your perspective
I can't give away too much more without giving out the answers. I am on batch 2, and lemme say this...KEEP ALL YOUR ANSWERS/NOTES FROM BATCH ONE!!!!!! Make folders or something, but get into the will help you remember how you solved a level, and may come in handy in future levels...
and cat all these are in various weffForum threads, so ?I don't think I'm giving out too much.
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/28/06 9:57 PM GMT
nope, this batch is not too much… although you DO know you're supposed to stay stuck for @ least 2 hours before you consult those threads, right? 8•P

(and yes A1 and I have "stuck" to that)
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
11/28/06 10:25 PM GMT
Well I have been stuck on this level now since 2...and I am still stuck, and those stupid Weff threads are not helping this brain is melting!!!!
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/28/06 10:53 PM GMT
Holy Guacamole!!! I finally figured out level 30 and am on level 31.
And man, does my brain hurt!!!
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/28/06 11:14 PM GMT
LOL! oops… guess my pm was too late then 8•P


(p.s. You guys should see the things she's threatening to do to me in pm's *snicker*)
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
11/28/06 11:52 PM GMT
only Cat thinks that me sending Santa a letter saying to put her on his naughty list means that all of her bondage fantasies will come true!!!

and for the record...if you get to #30, it is a real pain in the *ss!! Be prepared for massive brain damage.
I am on 31, and I see what's there or not there, but it isn't translating to my looks like a few more hours here...gonna go to the store, make some dinner, maybe my brain will have enough of a rest to fire on all cylinders again
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/28/06 11:59 PM GMT
I give up, i feel like a noah again...#10 is killing me. *grrrr*.
0∈ [?]
11/29/06 12:03 AM GMT
wait...i think i may have it....

*edit* YAY! I got it!
0∈ [?]
11/29/06 12:12 AM GMT
wait until you get to #14...heehee...if you thought 10 was hard!!!
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/29/06 1:57 AM GMT
I know I am gonna wanna kick my own butt once I finally figure out has to be something so obvious that I am missing it...
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/29/06 2:09 AM GMT
now now… tell the truth woman.

She only gets pissed @ me cuz I give hints… not answers. *snicker*
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
11/29/06 2:19 AM GMT
i so hate you right now...
ok not really, but i want to hate you, really badly!!!
level 32
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/29/06 2:50 AM GMT
oooh, # 11 got me for a while....(looking at the source code helped me).
0∈ [?]
11/29/06 2:57 AM GMT
Cat, nevermind the wasn't going to the page because the translator had CAPITALIZED the first letter...big smack on the forehead...shoulda had a v8!!
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/29/06 4:25 AM GMT
Slap...make sure u spell that ONE WORD right when u get to it... -.- i was stuck on it for 1 hour bc of spelling.

*edit* I'm talking about number 15 or something like that....
0∈ [?]
11/29/06 4:42 AM GMT
33 was the absolute EASIEST level of all of them!!!
took a whole 10 seconds which is nice after HOURS spent on 30-32
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/29/06 4:44 AM GMT
0∈ [?]
One man sees things and says "why?" - but I dream things that never were and I say "why not?"
11/29/06 4:49 AM GMT
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/29/06 4:30 PM GMT
Am i uber stupid or is level 3 hard? Someone PM me the answer.. x(
0∈ [?]
h_m_s_x_ _l... like to buy a vowel? ♥
11/30/06 2:07 AM GMT
Sound out the saying on level 3 OUTLOUD...a few something wrong with what you are saying?

Ok, day from hell to Weff, level 39...I think...gawd, my brain is so fried I cannot even remember now...pretty sure I stopped at 39 (at 3am, no less)
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/30/06 2:44 AM GMT
the "is something wrong with what you are saying" is key...
0∈ [?]
11/30/06 3:55 AM GMT
I have been trying to avoid doing 39...I had such a brain meltdown last night doing levels 30-38...
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/30/06 5:20 AM GMT
i'm on the gansta, heavy, nerdy one...i have no idea what the middle symbol sign is called though. :-S
0∈ [?]
11/30/06 5:52 AM GMT
I can't nudge you if you don't tell me the memory is not that good, that's why i made detailed notes
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/30/06 5:53 AM GMT
:-S 21.
0∈ [?]
11/30/06 6:05 AM GMT
Cat will kill me if I give any spoilers...just think...about ...Beavis and Butthead...think very carefully on this clue...and it will come to you
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
11/30/06 6:12 AM GMT
huhuhhuhhh..huhhhuhhuhuhhh...i'm workin on it.
0∈ [?]
11/30/06 8:33 AM GMT
What's this?

A thread unsullied and untouched and still on topic?

*checks to see if time has stopped*
0∈ [?]
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust
12/01/06 6:07 AM GMT
Yup, and hopefully it will stay that way...
I have made a point of avoiding 39 today...just looking at it gives me a migraine!!!
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
12/01/06 7:02 AM GMT

Jenn ... say it isn't so ... you have left the dark side of the forums and are now abiding by ... *shudders* ... the rules?
0∈ [?]
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust
12/02/06 8:28 AM GMT
me...abiding by the rules???
It's just that these Weff's are brain-damaging hard, and I need this thread to get all the nudges I can. I think level 39 will be the death of me. Day 3 (or 4, I forget...I've been looking at it for far too long now)...and I am no further along in solving it.
My head hurts, my eyes burn...Weff's are evil!!!
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
12/02/06 10:12 AM GMT
Ya? You think 39 is hard?

Wait for Level 54.3. *evil grin*
0∈ [?]
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust
12/02/06 9:24 PM GMT
I have heard that 54.3 is the purest essence of EVIL in this universe!!!
So what is the answer to 39??? I just wanna get to the next level brain is hurting!!
0∈ [?]
To humor the party pooper who complained, I will censor my quote======= THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where sh*tty ideas come from!! Non-Censored Version
12/05/06 2:13 AM GMT
it has been a week...
i hate 39...and with my luck, it is probably one of the easy levels!!!
0∈ [?]
12/05/06 2:21 AM GMT
it's been a week...i seem to have tried everything to get the sextuplets pic to change...just give me 1 more week than i'll ask sum1 on their forum for help. :-S
0∈ [?]
12/05/06 2:24 AM GMT
Noah, you'll kick yourself when you figure it out!!
If you get to a brain meltdown point, PM me and I'll give a nudge
0∈ [?]

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