

Discussion Board -> Contests -> Most current contest

Most current contest

12/06/21 12:30 AM GMT

I received one (1) PM with votes. It is not a bit fair to judge any contest via one person.

Even though I am in the dark as to how the algorithm works for the contest, it is very easy for me to see that it not the entries but the lack of voting that caused the issue.

If 3 people vote in a contest, the algorithm cannot figure how to tally the votes.

I know from the previous contest that voting was very slim.

My suggestion to all of you is to decide if you even want the contest to continue or to simply ignore it.

I am open to questions or even possible solutions.

So very sorry,

0∈ [?]


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12/06/21 9:25 PM GMT
Thank you for trying to help! Here you are taking the time and then no responses? Thank you Mimi!
5∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
12/10/21 11:36 PM GMT
mimi, I agree with you. It is a strange situation each contest this year. I have noticed that often there are more votes for the winning topic than the number of entrees. Wouldn't you think the winning topic would have at least that many entrees? Often, I have also notice, the person with the winning topic does not post an entree him/her self. Very strange for a site where you like to post your work.

I have mentioned before that if it is a lack of voters, then open the contest to all. With our pool of potential voters getting smaller, maybe its time to open it all who like to vote. But who knows, maybe that would only be a temporary solution, too.

With a number of the fun site activities already gone, I would not like to see contests gone too.

mimi, you have always worked so hard for the site. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know what I may do to help you out.
0∈ [?]
12/11/21 10:21 AM GMT
I have stayed since I was tallying the votes, ANYONE is eligible to vote. I know the artists have the integrity to not vote on their own image!
So that should not be the problem!
0∈ [?]
12/11/21 3:30 PM GMT
Oh mimi, I was not referring to the extra work you are performing with contests in manually adding the votes. My suggestion is in hopes that with more voters casting ballots, the algorithm will kick in and do the job it is suppose to be doing. You do so much. My suggestion above was to save contests and restore them to the manual accounting system. More people voting - better chances the algorithm will work.
0∈ [?]
12/12/21 8:15 AM GMT
Thank You John, you are correct.. The site needs more entries and more votes. The algorithm would then work.

I do not know what the "magic" number is though for it to work :)

0∈ [?]
12/16/21 6:25 PM GMT
I apologize Mimi as I completely forgot to get my vote in last time - too many appointments going on. I do appreciate all your hard work and hope the contests will correct themselves but it seems as if hardly anyone is on site very often anymore.
3∈ [?]
The Amen of nature is always a flower .... Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
01/24/22 9:35 AM GMT
Hey artists, PM me your choices for the Current Contest by 01.27.21


0∈ [?]
01/29/22 1:52 PM GMT
I am guilty of not voting for some time, nor did I enter. During the past weeks I have been preoccupied with other things in my life that have left little time for photography, or keeping up with contests but will make extra effort as and when I can.
It surprises me that the alogorithm has not worked. In September last year there were 13 entries in the contest "Water" so I would have though that number of people at least could have voted, but it still did not return a result. A Few months earlier (Images that evoke awe or wonder) the contest had 5 entries and votes did generate a result.
I know it is not possible but it really is a shame that "News" can not be posted on the front page - to jog our memories. Anyone new to the site would have difficulty even finding their way to the system of voting.
2∈ [?]
My thanks to all who leave comments for my work and to those of you who like one enough to make it a favourite. To touch just one person that way makes each image worthwhile. . . . . . . . . .. . . . "The question is not what you look at, but what you see" ~ Marcel Proust
01/30/22 9:04 AM GMT
I am a bit confused, I have been voting for every single contest the past few months, and do not understand if the votes have actually been viewed. Is there a simple procedure I can follow so as to be sure my vote is viewed on the system> Thanks.
2∈ [?]
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
01/30/22 10:28 AM GMT
Sorry, I didn't know that the old way of voting doesn't work, and I was voting all the time. For the current contest, I'll vote here, if it's OK.
2∈ [?]
02/26/22 3:04 AM GMT
I've voted twice now, but don't know if anything went through, sure would like to find out.
0∈ [?]
02/26/22 7:17 AM GMT
I didn't vote here but with a personal message to you. I hope that is OK.
0∈ [?]
02/26/22 1:59 PM GMT
If you pm Mimi, it will get through to her. She has alot going on in her daily life, so when she can she will tally and post the results here.
1∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫

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