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I'm assuming this one is from the bin, because I don't recall the great outdoors looking like this the last time I stuck my head out the door. All I know is that a certain groundhog lied when he proclaimed winter to be over a few weeks back. It's still snowing out there and cold, very, very cold.
One of the many paths in the park shot on an autumn afternoon if only because I'm too lazy to get up earlier in the day. The park maintenance crew were clearing out some trees creating new trails to meander down or up depending on your direction of travel. That hopefully explains away the log pile and brush off to the side. Either that or there are some woodchucks about to have a little practice session.
A little bit of post work thrown into this one folks and then worked over in a couple of layers just for good measure. So is it me or does the road look a little on the blue side? Oh well, it offsets the yellow in the leaves maybe. And to answer the burning question: there is another road at the top of the crest, a bit more open than this one.
Enjoy and your comments welcomed.
I think it is Geico that has the Woodchuck commercial. So how much wood can one of those chuckers chuck?
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