
  Gentle Factor  

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Uploaded: 04/07/20 3:20 AM GMT
Gentle Factor
Views: 136
Dlds: 57
Status: active

I really don't have a good title so whatever you want to call it...... do:):):)


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04/07/20 3:57 AM GMT
It looks like a class ring to me BB.
There might not be any public graduations this year.
Cool work.

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4∈ [?]
People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.
04/07/20 6:38 AM GMT
I like this work, no matter the title, Bruce. Stay with good health.
4∈ [?]
04/07/20 8:37 AM GMT
Looking at this full size...My first thought would be typical of what is happening today all over the world...

My title would be .. 'Precaution'

Great work.
4∈ [?]
04/07/20 9:09 AM GMT
Bruce, I think it would be boring, when I would say something again about the (un)importance of a title.
I prefer to give priority in enjoying this splendid render, Buddy!
A graphic masterpiece again!
S+F. Thanks, 👍 !
6∈ [?]
Try to change what you think you can't accept, but accept what you can't change. Please CLICK HERE to see my journal! Feel free to save my images or to add them to your favorites.
04/08/20 1:24 AM GMT
I call it lovely! :) tigs=^..^=
4∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
04/16/20 5:40 PM GMT
Whoa, looks like this one took lots of time. Amazing work and love the colours
4∈ [?]

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