The color is just fantastic Jac!!! I don't really see the broken heart in the design...but hey..its 3 in the morning and I just ate some bad leftover Chinese noodles...really cool looking anyway!!!
This has a high"ohhhhh and ahhhhhhhhhhh" factor in it for me. I love that deep, rich red that you used. I love to see designs of hearts, they are amongst my very favorite's. Unfortunately we all suffer broken hearts at some point in our lives but we survive the pain. Lovely poem you wrote too. Right into my favorite's folder on my harddrive.
Oh, thanks also for the warm words you left on ~evening delight~ I am trying to get more intimate with my camera and play with ALL the bells and whistles that help make photography more fun! As for the chocolate Easter eggs, well you know what happened with mine and where I left them!!!! hehehehe I think the movie was good!! lol
Your support/comments/critique are deeply appreciated Jac. Thanks again :~)
To once again begin to feel
All the emotions it once knew
Has now begun to heal because of you.....