
  Under The Microscope  

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Uploaded: 04/21/06 1:22 AM GMT
Under The Microscope
Views: 756
Dlds: 97
Status: active

This looked like bacteria under a microscope... enjoy.. (comments, criticism, humour etc welcome.. )


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04/21/06 1:24 AM GMT
Whoa! This is really great! I really love the foamy, bubbly appearance of this one! Very original. Nice job!..=)
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"Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun -Pablo Picasso My Gallery
04/21/06 1:27 AM GMT
Beautiful image Jacqueline ! Fresh & alive looking ! I agree with Larry, that bubbly design is so original & unique ! I love it ! Great job on this !
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Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls .......Let The Machine Get It ........ MY GALLERY
04/21/06 1:55 AM GMT
Ha ha, Jacqueline...this is very original! I like its softness and its symmetry. Very kewl! Wen
0∈ [?]
04/21/06 1:57 AM GMT
Soap bubbles :) !! It is very beautiful Jacqueline.
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Keep your face to the sunshine and you can not see the shadows. It's what sunflowers do - Helen Keller
04/21/06 2:36 AM GMT
Another nice one. This one has the doilie look with a hole burned into it. I like the colors, good job.
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Always go to the bathroom when you have a chance. King George V........ My Gallery
04/21/06 3:07 AM GMT
This is really great! I was never a huge fractal fan, but this I love!
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You can find life in bloom everywhere you look!
04/21/06 3:25 AM GMT
Nice work, Jacqueline. My kids blowing bubbles in their milk came to my mind.
0∈ [?]
04/21/06 3:56 AM GMT
This is great Jacqueline. I would have to say it is a cross between soap bubbles & bacteria under a microscope. Is there such a thing? LOL.... I used to work in a lab as a microbiologist. I love it....very nice work.
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Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.....Ralph Waldo Emerson
04/21/06 8:17 AM GMT
Oh I truly love this one! The colors, the foamy appearance, the shape, everything is good! Excellent!
0∈ [?]
04/21/06 9:26 AM GMT
Great creation and nicely done as always,Jacqueline....
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Carpe diem....
04/21/06 9:41 AM GMT
This has got to be one of the most unusual fractals I've seen here... Neat.
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04/21/06 12:51 AM GMT
This is cool!! Excellent gradient choice for this one!!
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04/21/06 1:15 PM GMT
I LOVE THIS!!!!! Awesome design and those colors are perfect!!!! Excellent in every way!
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In this is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:10
04/21/06 2:29 PM GMT
It does look like ssome thing you would see under a scope. Good one.
0∈ [?]
Art is the perception of the creator. Meaning is the perception of the viewer. acceptance is the perception of society.
04/22/06 12:03 AM GMT
Splendid design Jacks!! Wonderful colours too!! This would make a neat picture frame, ya know, for say a child portrait right in the middle circle. You could really do about anything with it. Kudos!!
0∈ [?]
04/22/06 7:06 PM GMT
great job jacqueline! i love the soap-bubble look. very cool and very different! wtg. carol
0∈ [?]
04/24/06 2:45 PM GMT
1 word Awesome its very awesome. How do make Art thats look so good my art always looks bad.
0∈ [?]
04/24/06 11:46 PM GMT
Oh sure… leave it to you see bacteria instead of "refracted snowflake" 8•P
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One man sees things and says "why?", but I dream things that never were and say "why not?"
04/25/06 9:17 PM GMT
Soap bubbles !!!..... very kewl!!
0∈ [?]
Love is not soft like water,it is hard like rock, on which the waves of hatred beat in vain.
04/26/06 12:12 AM GMT
This has got to be the lovliest bacteria ever.
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"A picture is worth a thousand words"
04/29/06 1:12 PM GMT
reminds me of trying to strain the water out of spagetti .. and having it all slip down the drain ...

The metallica script?
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See No Evil
05/16/06 1:26 AM GMT
Oh, this is too pretty to be bacteria :)) Wonderful creativity. I guess soap bubbles sound good. I love the variety of soft colors. The middle area makes me think of a dark mirror. I love your work!
0∈ [?]

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