
  Mallards in the Mercury  

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Uploaded: 07/21/07 3:55 AM GMT
Mallards in the Mercury
Views: 377
Dlds: 19
Status: active

Not your typical greyscale image, but from my sreen, it works pretty well here. The white reflections on the water washed out most of their color, and the B&W brought out the glow in their eyes. Looking as if they're possessed by the beauty of the setting sun. I didn't have to zoom in very far, I was about 5 ft. away, and that's rare for these wild Mallards, who put on a beautiful display. The title fits well if you know about this place. It was once the cleanest Lake in America. The Natives named it Onondaga and used it's water for everything. Then the industrial age came by.. Allied Chemicals dumped loads of Mercury in the Lake, while the sewage facillity dumped everything else. Causing it to become the second most polluted lake in America. Since the yr. 2000 they have cleaned out 40% of it and is on the rise to being "suitable for fishing". No matter what they do, this lake will never be the same. Hope you enjoy this image and my brief history lesson.- J.


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07/21/07 3:34 PM GMT
Very Interesting image and very creative. It's nice to know they are working on the clean up of this lake. It's so sad how many times do we hear about dumping and spills. ><
♪ ♫ :)sandi ♪ ♫ ♪ .
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I really enjoy hearing from my caedes friends.
07/22/07 4:24 AM GMT
The ducks look like they are suffering from the results of toxic waste. Your image is quite appropo for the story. I am glad to hear that they are trying to clean it up. Maybe this lake will be an example of what can happen if we are careless again.
0∈ [?]
You will be led to the knowledge of the internal things which are invisible to you, by the external things which you see before you. . . . Even so then, we can represent to ourselves in thought the Author of all that is, by contemplating and admiring the (visible) things which He has made, and ever brings into being. - Hermes
07/22/07 10:07 PM GMT
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I started making pictures round about march 2006 and then stopped in feb 2007 because I sold my camera to Harm Gunnink who is also a member. I'am now saving money for the sony alhpa a100. Hope you like the pics P.S. is it maybe possible if you have time to also give suggestion on how to improove my pictures but compliments are also good!

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