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...This composition is not a "fairy tale" per se, but technically it does aid in telling a fantasy storyline, and therefore...is my entry into the contest...
Welcome to Mess County, in Anystate, USA, where the fictional city of Artopolis lies...Most of the information on this map is based on previous compositions that go with the storyline, as well as a good number of my funny road sign concoctions that you may or may not recognize in name here...
1)- Artopolis Metro: is now clearly defined on the west central (ocean) end of the county, seated on either side of Phantoma Harbor (The Mouth), and now includes most of the major thoroughfares and surrounding communities...
2)- Darklands: (a.k.a. The Darklands of Zeriaan)...A wicked and forbidden place on the NE end of Mess County in which the present day does not exist whatsoever...Passage into (and especially out of) the D/L is only through the North and South Gate villages, by "special designation" (I'll get into that in a later post) and all individuals are thoroughy scrutinized by the ZS (Zeriaan Security - locals call them the "Zombie Squad" - with good reason)...Technology of any kind is absent and forbidden in the D/L (No motor vehicles, electricity, computers, etc...and transportation is by foot or whatever strange animal you can find that doesn't eat you first!) Law and order in this place all originate from the sole heirarchy (sometimes "soul") at Monster Mountain...
Much of the storyline is still very much under development, and progresses a little at a time...
NOTE: Since there is much detail here, I would download the largest size available and (if possible) make use of the zoom tool on either your image viewer, or preferred photoediting program...