
  Cosmos in B&W 1  

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Uploaded: 06/15/10 9:45 PM GMT
Cosmos in B&W 1
Views: 706
Dlds: 104
Status: active

Having sounded off on Digital Angel's art/not art thread about having shot monochrome botanicals to improve my foof skills, I've now been prodded to post some of the results. Here's the first for instance. What I found was that color is a seductive distraction that masks an image's problems, like weak composition, careless exposure, or badly positioned depth of field. Besides making it easier for you to see what you need to do better, B&W also helps you to simply see your subject more clearly. Plant structures are more obvious, competing greens resolve into distinct forms, spatial relationships are more definite in a 2D rendition. The cosmos above is pink, so pink that almost nothing else was noticeable in color images I made. Tomorrow, I'll post another pink cosmos. Although they were the same pink in real life, in B&W, they're completely different colors.


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06/15/10 10:07 PM GMT
nicely done
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06/15/10 10:42 PM GMT
BW was a perfect choice for this! Simply beautiful.
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"Hurry to meet Death before your place is taken."
06/16/10 12:05 AM GMT
Something very angelic about this one. If this is not art I know not what is.

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“Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you” - Richard Brinsley Sheridan
06/16/10 6:27 PM GMT
A Very Beautiful b/w.Love it
0∈ [?]
06/17/10 1:38 AM GMT
When people think flowers, we tend to think color. I like this in black and white very much. Excellent composition and lighting, nice and sharp subject with a good dof. A really first rate image that ought to earn high marks - earned mine =D
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Critiquing art of any kind is utterly subjective. When I vote on your images, I look at several things. First, my initial gut reaction. Then, is it straight (if it should be); is the color correct or if intentionally saturated or desaturated, was it done properly and does it enhance the image; composition - if you intended a bulls-eye, unless it's an outstanding image that is really served by centering the subject, it'll get dinged; is the horizon dead center - again, unless there's an obvious reason that makes it a better photo, no points; is the subject interesting and uncluttered; is the image sharp; is the depth of field right for this composition, is there a catchlight in the creature's eye; would I hang this on my wall; is it an image I'd be proud to display; is it artistic or just a snapshot; does it move me; is there a message conveyed; is it documentary in nature and if so, does it tell the story in such a way it makes me want more. When I critique a photo in your gallery, I'm only suggesting what my subjective nature prefers. No need to defend your position if you like your image the way it is. If you give me constructive criticism on my pieces, I guarantee you I will take them to heart. I love to improve! Bring it on Caedians! Love, anne =D
06/18/10 8:40 PM GMT
Great shot with good clarity and DOF, the B/W is perfect, because the lighting is perfect on the flower :o)
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Carpe Diem!
06/20/10 1:39 PM GMT
It's the shadows that make this shot for me, that and my own love of B&W. Wonderful.
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