
  Birthmachine Dark Star  

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Uploaded: 05/28/23 6:54 PM GMT
Birthmachine Dark Star
Views: 85
Dlds: 39
Status: active

Part of a larger frieze entitled "Birthmachine Dark Star" by H R Giger, which is situated on the wall of his museum in Gruyere, Switzerland.


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05/29/23 8:27 AM GMT
Very good capture of a unique work of art. I find this to be very original and thought provoking, subject matter is disturbing in some way for me, but find the artistic aspect of this of interest.
0∈ [?]
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
05/31/23 6:04 PM GMT
Hey Ray! This is most unusual and thought "What the heck is that anyway"??:):) Since I asked that question I found Mr. Giger's website. Most interesting:)
0∈ [?]

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