
  Luminescent Spore City  

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Uploaded: 02/24/12 4:22 AM GMT
Luminescent Spore City
Views: 520
Dlds: 20
Status: active

Lit by the energy of the very organism that houses it's inhabitants. A true unity between the kingdoms.


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02/29/12 8:30 PM GMT
While I'm sure this is a cool sight to see in person, the photograph unfortunately fails to give enough visual information for the viewer to decipher what's going on, partially because of the lack of exposure and partially because of lack of focus.

(Based on the image quality and some of your other photos, I'm going to assume you're using a point-and-shoot camera.) Chances are that you are too close to the subject with your camera to get a good macro -- next time try pulling further out to your camera to get focused on the subject, then crop the photo for a close up once you've taken the picture and you'll have a much sharper image (this will also give you more options for how to present the image since you have more free space to work with).

I know a lot of basic cameras don't have the option of setting the exposure (the amount of time the shutter is open, which allows more light without the harshness of a flash), but I would suggest looking through your user manual to see if the option is available, then play with it in different light settings.

The most successful image I saw in your gallery was "What Lies Ahead". While the composition could probably be improved, you have really good focus and lighting, 2 important parts of a 3 part equation. I'd suggest looking at some other macro shots either on this site, another art site like, or even just through Google images, and try to see what makes a good composition versus an ok one.

(Sorry for the long comment)

Keep it up and read up on some techniques to improve your photos. I can give you some articles to read if you're interested.
0∈ [?]
For wisdom is protection just as money is protection. But the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the lives of its possessors.
03/01/12 2:09 AM GMT
I appreciate the tips. I feel inclined to inform you that I am using a Nikon L110, and have only within a year or so began photography. And on another note, though you were trying to be helpful and I'm sure your intentions were sincere, the tips came off as closer to an insult in ways. This Nikon is far from what I'd consider to be a point and shoot, though until recently I didn't have a tripod for it even.

Yet, in this image I focused on the tiniest lights to have the most detail on the intricacies of lighting. Also underexposing the image purposely to alter the perspective further. (You wouldn't guess what this image is actually of.)

I don't aspire to be the next great photographer, I just like to share what moments of the world I do capture frozen in time. Even though sometimes I like to skew the view a bit.

(Sorry for the conflict with your method of being helpful ~.~)

Thanks anyways for the attempt.
0∈ [?]
Forget not that we are all only star dust, flowing in a sea of experience. To wonder the nature of the universe, is but to ask the nature of ourselves.. 2011 In Lak'ech
03/01/12 3:52 AM GMT
I apologize for unintentionally insulting you. I just try to be helpful by critiquing images rather than just say "Wow, that's different", or "Cool!", and share my experience with others who are starting out; I do, however, understand how it can seem abrasive online when it's hard to tell tone.

I don't mean this meanly or anything, but, while it's a nice camera, if it's the Nikon Coolpix L110, that would still be considered a point and shoot camera because it doesn't have interchangeable lenses. Many P&S, like the Coolpix, have various exposure settings and other options that lesser models don't.

But anyway, I won't critique your images any more.
0∈ [?]
For wisdom is protection just as money is protection. But the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the lives of its possessors.
03/01/12 2:13 PM GMT
Actually I wasn't even saying I was taking offense, instead only that I could see how it could be seen as such and you may have wanted to be informed of possible accidental rudeness. ^-^

Yeah, the absence of tone via written speech has almost ended friendships in the past.. It can be a hassle. ~.~
0∈ [?]
Forget not that we are all only star dust, flowing in a sea of experience. To wonder the nature of the universe, is but to ask the nature of ourselves.. 2011 In Lak'ech
03/01/12 5:01 PM GMT
Yeah, the internet can suck like that sometimes. And I know my comments can come of rather brashly, I just prefer to be blunt and to the point :)
1∈ [?]
For wisdom is protection just as money is protection. But the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the lives of its possessors.

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