*You will have noticed that I haven't been commenting as much on your fine images!..This is because of the pains in my hands!..the constant use of the keyboard, makes this difficult..so, my dear friends..I can only apologise to you all in advance!*
Dunstickin's Gallery
Equipment: Canon AE-1 35mm SLR, Canon FD lenses (50mm and 135mm), Tiffen uv and close-up filters, Promaster flash, and two tripods.
Favorite photographers: Bryan Peterson, John Shaw, Patrick Hoelck, George Lange, Steve McCurry, Jim Zuckerman, Jim Miotke, Andre Gallant, Joe McNally, Scott Kelby, Kerry Drager, Dave Hill, and Moose Peterson.
***Anyone on myspace? Add me if you want:
Great picture - totally ugly fish!
I could never have that on my desktop.
Feels like it's jumping right at my face - and the nostrils, og the horrible nostrils, looking like eyes, staring, giving it an even more scary look.
Could do with a little tilt counter clockwise, though...
Like the old saying goes, this guy has a face only a mother could love. What an imaginative, interesting shot! Wild perspective. I almost feel like I'm about to be eaten.
Several of my photos are available for purchase in larger format at Shutterpoint, and some are also available in high quality framed prints at http://djholmes.imagekind.com/
"Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile" .... mygallery