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I'll try to explain what's going on in this image. Zeeland is a province of The Netherlands. In the past Belgian draught horses were used by Zeeland farmers to work at their fields (e.g. to plough). When the work was done some Zeeland farmers practised a sport with use of those horses. This sport is called, in Dutch, 'ringrijden' (tilting at the ring). 'Ringrijden' means that a farmer was sitting on his, relative huge, horse without use of saddle and stirrups. While the horse was galloping at full speed, the farmer had to catch a ring with a lance. The ring was placed in a holder and hang, by means of a rope between two poles, in the air. The farmer who caught the biggest number of rings in a certain number of rounds is the winner. This sport is 'big fun' for the horses, participating farmers and spectators as well. Later the wifes or partners of the farmers started to practice this sport as well. The only difference is that the women are not sitting on a horse but, in accompany of the husband or partner, in a, with flowers decorated, gig. The gig can be drawn by either a draught horse or a 'normal' horse. The woman (instead of the farmer) has to catch the ring with the lance now while the farmer has 'control' over the at full speed moving gig and galloping horse. Nowadays 'ringrijden' (on a horse or with use of a gig) is mostly a folklore sport, primary to show the tourists in Zeeland some traditions of the past. This picture is taken in Zoutelande, a small village at the peninsula Walcheren. The couple in the gig and the horse are patiently waiting for their turn. This image may give you any idea of 'ringrijden' with draught horses.
Excellent work :)