
  14th Century Street  

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Uploaded: 06/10/17 8:38 AM GMT
14th Century Street
Views: 1146
Dlds: 382
Status: active

On November 14th, 2006, so about 10 and a half years ago, I've provided you with this image.

Because of better photo equipment and because of far better lighting conditions, I've captured again this scene of an ancient, in the 14th century built, street (called 'Kuyperspoort') in Middelburg, Zeeland, The Netherlands.

The house are still in use as private houses, but their interior was completely renewed to meet nowadays standards.


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06/10/17 8:51 AM GMT
Over 10 years of Caedes posts!....Cannot believe it has been that long!...
as you say old friend...Better equipment and processing makes a lot of difference to our pictures!...

All that street needs some 14th century 'people'! ☺
3∈ [?]
06/10/17 9:38 AM GMT
Lovely old alley...Like It...R.
3∈ [?]
I wish I was a Glow Worm, a Glow Worm's never glum, 'cause how can you be grumpy, when the sun shines out your bum?
06/10/17 12:09 AM GMT
I'm so glad you retook the shot, it really is much better. The first one was taken just a a couple of months of my joining Caedes. tigs=^..^=
3∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
06/10/17 2:15 PM GMT
It is also amazing to look at the list of commentators and see all those who have departed over the years and those who are still on site.
3∈ [?]
06/10/17 2:26 PM GMT
Just lovely, excellent shot
3∈ [?]
06/10/17 2:48 PM GMT
Terrific angle, makes all the difference. The light is perfect, and I especially appreciate the clarity and details in your work....they provide a stunning effect.
3∈ [?]
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
06/10/17 3:01 PM GMT
Big difference between the two in clarity, colours and details Cornelius.Very nice and well composed shot.
3∈ [?]
Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.
06/10/17 3:55 PM GMT
The first was before my time on Caedes by a couple of years but the difference between the two is striking in it's contrast.
3∈ [?]
. . . Earth laughs in flowers! Ralph Waldo Emerson
06/10/17 5:23 PM GMT
The weather plays an important role in outdoor photography C and as you know the blue sky people crave doesn't always show!

Over ten years ago you would had been much prouder of your linked upload if you'd underexposed it and raised the low light and boosted the overall brightness during post editing.
3∈ [?]
Progress equals a trashed planet since mankind is too busy altering it. BTW find the classic definition of Caedes here. Enjoy yourself today because you don't know what tomorrow may bring. (o:
06/10/17 9:54 PM GMT
I could do with some processing for my 74 year old body! Great shot - love the history and restoration.
3∈ [?]
06/10/17 11:38 PM GMT
I agree with you, Cornelius. The first shot was fine, but this one is superior. And you know you're posting an excellent shot if it makes the viewers think.

"but their interior was completely renewed to meet nowadays standards."

Back in the 14th Century the average life expectancy was 28. I imagine that the lack of indoor plumbing might have played a role in that as well as the fact that people had to deal with fleas, lice and other parasites.

Excellent posting. Both of them.
3∈ [?]
Dorothy Michaels: No, just Dorothy. Alan's always Alan, Tom's always Tom and John's always John. I have a name too. It's Dorothy, capital D-O-R-O-T-H-Y.
06/11/17 6:56 AM GMT
Great capture, very interesting and attractive.
3∈ [?]
06/11/17 8:35 AM GMT
Ongelooflijk, alweer zolang geleden. Ik kan mij als de dag van gisteren nog herinneren dat ik je foto toen voor het eerst zag
Het sprak mij meteen aan als een bijzondere foto uit een lang
vervlogen tijd, waar de tijd heeft stil gestaan
Deze 'remake' is schitterend, en klaar om ingelijst te worden
Inmiddels zijn we 2544 foto's verder
Een sukje commentaar van mij toendertijd:
"Hope to see very soon more of your works
Groeten uit Groningen"
6∈ [?]
-*A Wallpaper is worth a million words - And I leave them Speechless!*- ...
06/11/17 12:09 AM GMT
Beautifully taken and presented Cornelius.
I am wondering what the additions with the green doors are on the fronts of the houses.
Are they for coal perhaps
It is interesting to compare the two photos. I think the sunlight on this one helps to make it much more pleasing.
3∈ [?]
My thanks to all who leave comments for my work and to those of you who like one enough to make it a favourite. To touch just one person that way makes each image worthwhile. . . . . . . . . .. . . . "The question is not what you look at, but what you see" ~ Marcel Proust
06/11/17 2:26 PM GMT
Fabulous lead up through this wonderful old street - fantastic detail and colour
3∈ [?]
06/11/17 5:24 PM GMT
So clean and pleasant to look at, all decorated so nicely. It's a wonderful photo.
3∈ [?]
06/11/17 7:22 PM GMT
---I am wondering what the additions with the green doors are on the fronts of the houses. Are they for coal perhaps?---

Referring to this above comment of Lyn, I like to provide you with this answer: "These are the accesses to the cellars. The cellars were used at that time for storing perishable goods, because the temperature was relatively cold there."
0∈ [?]
Try to change what you can't accept, but accept what you can't change. Please CLICK HERE to see my journal! Feel free to save my images or to add them to your favorites.
06/12/17 10:01 AM GMT
This is a wonderful cobblestone walkway, and the houses are so quaint to me. The street is really tidy, but I miss the bicycles seen in the first shot. I notice that the lighting is really in your favor with a glorious blue sky...
6∈ [?]

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