
  Blending In  

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Uploaded: 06/09/07 6:32 PM GMT
Blending In
Views: 448
Dlds: 28
Status: active

Shot in Muir Woods just north of San Francisco. Maybe you cant see him, look real close, you can see the white spider in the pollen.


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06/09/07 10:56 PM GMT
Excellent composition. It's so cool you noticed the spider in his hiding place and captured him for us. Great focus and color as well... thanks for sharing!

0∈ [?]
From quiet homes and first beginning, Out to the undiscovered ends, There's nothing worth the wear of winning, But laughter and the love of friends.
06/11/07 11:39 PM GMT
The sharpness of the photo is fine. Where the photo is lacking is the exposure, which is not bright enough, and the composition would probably benefit from either removing more of the flower or including all of the flower. Having just the edges out of the frame on one side takes away from the composition. It's very tough to shoot any image that is white and get the proper exposure, especially if the image is in significant or harsh light. Brighten up the image, but keep the ISO down as far as you can go when shooting a white image. This will help minimize the blown out whites that often occur since it will be less sensitive to the light. The image is NOT a 23, as indicated. That is much too low for this image, and I cannot see why it would be voted that low. Please do not be discouraged by that ranking. This image is not very far from being very good; it just needs some refinements.
0∈ [?]
06/13/07 5:52 PM GMT
Wonderful advice above. I find this to be an interesting capture. The flowers petals have wonderful texture - almost look like fine paper. Marvelous shot of the spider taking advantage of that pollen, with good details - he blends in so well with the white of the flower. Nice job :^)
0∈ [?]
I need to catch up on things so can't comment too much. But I love all of your fine images :)
06/13/07 6:05 PM GMT
I agree,::legster69 has given a good review and one I tend to agree with...a little brighter and not cutting off the petals would improve this image but that aside, a good effort.
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