
  Old Balcony  

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Uploaded: 06/21/15 7:28 PM GMT
Old Balcony
Views: 513
Dlds: 183
Status: active

This is one of old buildings balcony in the center of my city. They wont repairing these buildings for too long. I hope some day these beautiful structures be renewed. Hope you like it.


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06/21/15 8:47 PM GMT
Think it's a matter of money Efe. Hope that these ancient and cultural 'treasures' can be reconstructed/renewed.

Good capture my friend. I like it very much!!
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Try to change what you can't accept, but accept what you can't change. Please CLICK HERE to see my journal! Feel free to save my images or to add them to your favorites.
06/22/15 4:07 AM GMT
I think you handled this one very well, and it could be a good one to enter into the weekly challenge. tigs=^..^=
2∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
06/22/15 12:24 AM GMT
Excellent black and white shot, Efe. Are you going to get the windows fixed for them? LOL.
2∈ [?]
06/23/15 3:45 PM GMT
Beautiful intricate carving. I like the angle. Too bad that it is in need of repair to its former loveliness. This would be a good one to enter the B&W challenge/contest.
2∈ [?]
06/29/15 3:18 PM GMT
I personally love it, I'm a fan of these type of captures, great job
2∈ [?]

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