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Uploaded: 06/27/10 6:55 AM GMT
Views: 556
Dlds: 65
Status: active

Last sun of the evening


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06/27/10 12:07 AM GMT
Love these colors Ian, so dramatic. =^..^=sandi

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Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
06/27/10 12:37 AM GMT
Not bad at all ya old mincer.....
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06/30/10 6:00 AM GMT
A beautiful ending to a day, what more could you ask for.Really a splended view
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Yes I use a Pentax K-10D.
06/30/10 1:45 PM GMT
Really nice colours, well captured
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Procrastination is a high stakes game played at break-neck speeds and is not suggested for the fient of heart or week of mind
06/30/10 8:41 PM GMT
Who couldn't sleep more soundly after such a beautiful end to the day?
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"The effort of art is to keep what is interesting in existence, to recreate it in the eternal." George Santayana
07/01/10 1:49 AM GMT
A beautiful natural sunset and nice silhouette of the treeline. I think I'd like to have seen just a little more at the bottom to fill the lower third for proper balance. Otherwise a very nice shot. anne =D
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Critiquing art of any kind is utterly subjective. When I vote on your images, I look at several things. First, my initial gut reaction. Then, is it straight (if it should be); is the color correct or if intentionally saturated or desaturated, was it done properly and does it enhance the image; composition - if you intended a bulls-eye, unless it's an outstanding image that is really served by centering the subject, it'll get dinged; is the horizon dead center - again, unless there's an obvious reason that makes it a better photo, no points; is the subject interesting and uncluttered; is the image sharp; is the depth of field right for this composition, is there a catchlight in the creature's eye; would I hang this on my wall; is it an image I'd be proud to display; is it artistic or just a snapshot; does it move me; is there a message conveyed; is it documentary in nature and if so, does it tell the story in such a way it makes me want more. When I critique a photo in your gallery, I'm only suggesting what my subjective nature prefers. No need to defend your position if you like your image the way it is. If you give me constructive criticism on my pieces, I guarantee you I will take them to heart. I love to improve! Bring it on Caedians! Love, anne =D

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