
  My pirate fame  

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Uploaded: 05/22/12 11:10 PM GMT
My pirate fame
Views: 412
Dlds: 19
Status: active

I thought I would share this to make you smile. Conwy just held a very successful pirate weekend which was gret fun. The whole town dressed up, shops all dressed their windows, every one got into the spirit of the weekend and it was fantastic. On the Saturday, 99.9% of all people in the town was in fancy dress, there were literally thousands of pirates, wenches and stolen princesses walking around our little town.

I had gone to collect acon sandwiches ( butties) for me and my colleague when a local reporter acosted me and asked me to have my picture taken for the national paper. I never for one moment thought I would make it in there, so thought nothing of it till someone sent me this tonight. Here is the link enjoy


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05/23/12 12:16 AM GMT
A fine looking wench you make Baby Cakes. I would steal for you.
Great shot and congrats on making the big time. I need an autographed copy.


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People are like cameras--sometimes they lose focus.
05/23/12 12:34 AM GMT
Awesome!!! I'm with Tick on that autograph now that you have made the news:)
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The most precious jewel you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children♥
05/23/12 2:09 AM GMT
Very cool Jo ! Looks like everyone had a good time.
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I would travel only by horse, if I had the choice. ~ Linda McCartney ~
05/23/12 5:44 AM GMT
"Hark there, me busty wench!...go fetch me some ale from yon tavern, and sit aside me while I shiver ye timbers"!!!..{o_~}

Yer still looking good any outfit you wear!..
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05/23/12 2:02 PM GMT
Great post, Excellent capture!!
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05/23/12 6:16 PM GMT
Don't raise your sword to me wench! congratulations on your newspaper fame Jo.
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05/23/12 7:33 PM GMT
Looks like you were having a great time, super shot and thanks for the link
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05/23/12 11:27 PM GMT
"Argghh...She's a nice lass...'til ye mess with her rum..." Funnye one...
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"Put up...or SHUT UP!" Visit Jhihmoac's Gallery
05/24/12 11:42 AM GMT
LOL - what a priceless shot Jo - you look just the part and having a great time.
Hope the bacon butties were nice. I made some for lunch today :)
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My thanks to all who leave comments for my work and to those of you who like one enough to make it a favourite. To touch just one person that way makes each image worthwhile. . . . . . . . . .. . . . "The question is not what you look at, but what you see" ~ Marcel Proust
05/24/12 7:16 PM GMT
Looks like you had a great time,Jo,thanks for sharing.
1∈ [?]

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