
  Penryhn Castle  

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Uploaded: 05/14/09 1:11 PM GMT
Penryhn Castle
Views: 451
Dlds: 61
Status: active

Penryhn Castle is beautiful, it was lived in until 1951 by the last Lord Penryhn and now it is open to visitors to see how the family lived. It is huge and the furniture inside is all the originals used by the family over the years. This is near the back of the castle, leading out to the gardens. Comments and criticisms welcome!


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05/15/09 4:22 AM GMT
Is that real?! Almost looks too perfect, too surreal! I bet that family lived really nice! Thanks for sharing this unique castle.
0∈ [?]
~~~~~~~ MY EXHIBITION GALLERY ~~~~~~~~.
05/16/09 10:01 PM GMT
kool pic
0∈ [?]
05/17/09 2:55 PM GMT
Wow, so regal. Love the perspective/the angle. Very nicely done.
0∈ [?]

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