
  View of village Woltersum  

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Uploaded: 03/10/11 10:12 AM GMT
View of village Woltersum
Views: 528
Dlds: 39
Status: active

Windmill "Fram"


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03/10/11 2:29 PM GMT
A great shot, John! The bright sunlight creates a nice, friendly feeling, and the dark, charcoal gray color of the windmill makes it stand out so well. Excellent composition, too. Well done!

- Steve
0∈ [?]
03/10/11 3:13 PM GMT
Nice to see a windmill John. I believe it is the first of the year I have seen. Can the mushrooms be far behind? Good composition with the steeple on the right.


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0∈ [?]
Cameras are like people--sometimes they lose focus.
03/10/11 4:24 PM GMT
Extremely beautiful pic.Ed.
0∈ [?]
03/10/11 6:24 PM GMT
hey John
A very nice picture John Holland at its best ;-))
0∈ [?]
hurry up if you have time, then you have time if you in a hurry!
03/10/11 10:50 PM GMT
Magnificent capture and absolutely love windmills
0∈ [?]

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