
  With Honors  

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Uploaded: 05/01/08 2:43 AM GMT
With Honors
Views: 597
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Status: active

A moment of indulgence, if you will be so kind. I know this isn't a great post, it was shot out the window of my plane as we taxied to the terminal here at Milwaukee. I hadn't had a great day. I was in and out of Cleveland for a quick business meeting which had not gone well at all. I spent more times in airports than I did in the meetings. My flights were on little puddle jumpers and for a tall guy like me it was quite uncomfortable. I was in a pretty bad mood. We touched down, taxied to the terminal and passed this scene. To the left you see several squad cars from the Sherriff's department, and a hearse. To the right, in the shadows, is a miliatry honor gaurd. If you look very closely you may see just a hint of color which is the flag covering the coffin. One of Milwaukee's own was making his final trip home after falling overseas. At that moment I realized how petty my gripes about the day were. What was my bad meeting compared to the grief of a family getting ready to say good-bye to a man who was...what? A son for sure, possibly a brother, a husband, a father? What was my cramped seat for a one hour flight compared to the grief of the family preparing to make this final ride? How dare I curse the time I spent in airports when this family had to wait in the airport for this arrival? My son has been overseas and returned safely. He will being going back again eventually and ever day I pray for his safety. But for today I will pray also for this fallen warrior, someone I didn't even know, but deserves the Full Honors he is receiving here. I do not mean for this to be any sort of political statement, and if the comments turn it into one I will delete it. This merely to remind everyone of just how precious life is and to pay honor, because all gave some, but this soldier gave all. ~~Edit - pls take the time to click on the link that Tick was kind enough to leave in his post. If it dowsn't leave you with tears rolling down your face you are a stronger person than I. Thamk you Tick for adding ht eperfect sentiment.


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05/01/08 3:07 AM GMT
All I can say, Rich, is you are right about all of it and I will pray for your son too. I can't imagine being in your shoes or those of this person's family. God knows best.
0∈ [?]
You may lose the rights to your own art. Read MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.
05/01/08 3:09 AM GMT
What a thought-provoking shot and narrative! May God bless the soul of this fallen warrior and give his family the grace and endurance to cope with this sad loss. Thanks for sharing this moment and your thoughts; I was deeply moved.
0∈ [?]
05/01/08 3:47 AM GMT
I wouldn't worry about this being a political statement. Honoring a fallen warrior is never about politics. It is about humanity. It seems we are on parallel universe's with our posts today. I believe you were guided to this moment in time at this location to do just what you have done.

You did it so well. I salute you. I believe this song will finish your sentiment.

Excellent and I faved.

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I'll meet you at the edge of the sunlight, just behind the shadows. The Ghost
05/01/08 4:38 AM GMT
God bless our fallen hero's.
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I'm not a professional photographer but I enjoy sharing my work with everyone and viewing other peoples work. please visit my gallery Thank you, Terry
05/01/08 7:04 AM GMT
A pause for reflection is so sincere!....Very moving!
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* To Believe in myself and have faith in my Photography * OwdBob'sGallery
05/01/08 7:36 AM GMT
A touching capture Rich ... brings tears to my eyes. I have had several family members overseas & I'm always relieved when they return home safely ... I know it is the same feeling with your son. Though we do have to keep in mind that many return home as fallen hero's ... it is our duty to honor & respect their memory. Very nicely done my friend.

Now where did I put my tissue?
0∈ [?]
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away ~ George Carlin
05/01/08 10:02 AM GMT
Rich, a very poignant photo and narrative today. As owd said above, it is a pause for reflection.
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If you have some extra time, please visit my gallery
05/01/08 10:25 AM GMT
Thought provoking.
0∈ [?]
05/01/08 12:51 AM GMT
How moving this is. Thanks for the very beautiful tribute to this fallen soldier and many others and the reminder that some of our gripes actually are pretty petty. Well done.
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You my Caedes friends post the most wonderful images out here. Full of beauty, life and gorgeous colors. For that, you have my heartfelt 'thanks'. I love 'browsing them' and wish there was more time to personally comment on every one of them.
05/01/08 1:27 PM GMT
Rich you give me goose bumps with telling this all, indeed why would you complain about all these little things, life can be hard too as you showed us with this picture:)
0∈ [?]
laughter is the best medicine.
05/01/08 6:51 PM GMT
Very touching picture and narrative. I will also pray for your son.

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I'd rather be here, than where I'm at
05/01/08 7:37 PM GMT
In this world we never knowwhen god will call us up to heaven and a image as this sure brings alot of us closer to the real world.
My nephew joined the nave 2 years ago and this summer he leaves for Iraq he learned how to shoot a gun and did good as I heard but whos to say these young kids today could come up against people who have a bomb strapped on their body and shoot them before they die. The loss in this war is so unbearable so if a member here displays a image as this all I can say is god bless you and it takes special people to show the true world and whats going on in our world. WE think we have bad days then you go through something like this and I can imagine it woke you up. Take care and god bless you.
0∈ [?]
Pictures say a thousand words but the artist taking the picture can say more. Take care and god bless you and yours each and every day'
05/03/08 5:17 PM GMT
Almost unbearably moving... My dad served in WWII on an aircraft carrier, both arenas... he came home with a lasting case of PTSD; my husband is a Vietnam-era vet on 100% service-connected disability... although they didn't come home like this brave young soldier I can only imagine what either one of them went through. Thank you for this image... I will pray for the safe return of your son.
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"If I dream I shall be real, or really myself..." Robert Penn Warren
04/29/09 1:19 PM GMT
wow this is such a beautiful and erie photo. your son is also in my prayers. Tell you son thank you.
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