
  Savage City #3: Tough way to make a buck...  

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Uploaded: 04/16/09 4:01 AM GMT
Savage City #3: Tough way to make a buck...
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In the Central City of Milwaukee, where unemployment runs around 50%, you scramble to make a buck any way you can. This is one of the tougher, but legal ways to do so. The gentleman in the picture didn't seem to concerned to have his picture taken, more curious than anything. I talked with him for a few moments. He is articulate and street smart, and homeless. He grew up in the South, working in the fields and left school after the 3rd grade. He never learned to read or write anything much more than his name. He came to Milwaukee in a time when it was possible to get a decent paying job in manufacturing without a real education. As the work has left so did his prospects. He has been homeless for 15 years, making his living collecting cans and turning them in to recycling centers. 365 days a year. Saving his money on Saturdays so he something for Sunday when the recycling center is closed. He lives on the streets unless it is bitter, bitter cold, then he turns to a shelter. I find it ironic that he is pictured here with the American flag. The American dream has surely passed him by. Radical right wingers out there will almost certainly say that he has had oppurtunities to get an education over the years, which is surely true, and that he needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps. What they don't see is that he has no boots. He saw no future outside of the manufacturing jobs he had done for years, with or without that education. He may well be right with unemployemnt in the African-American community running near the 50th percentile. Radical left wingerss will pity him and deplore the fact that we haven't done more for him. He doesn't want your pity, he wants hope. To use the same analogy, radical liberals not only want to make sure he has a pair of boots, they want to hand deliver them and stop back 3 times a week to clean them and shine them. Without realizing that we don't have the resources to do that for all of the millions of bootless people out there. The Centrists, like myself, and I'm firmly convinced the vast, vast majority of people across the country agree that everyone should have a pair of boots, the tools to take care of them and somewhere to walk to so they can buy the next pair themselves. In other words we have to give people the HOPE of a better life, as well as the tools to get there. This country has allowed itself to be split and thereby to forget one of the very words of the Pledge of Allegiance..."Indivisible". We allow ourselves to be labeled: Liberal, Conservative, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Pro Gun Control, Pro NRA, African-American, Hispanic, Caucasion. Labels divide us. What we are folks are Americans. And while the gap between the rich ond the poor continues to grow, while CEO's rake in millions while running their companies into the ground, while athletes and actors are paid more for one season or one film than most of us will make in a lifetime, people are livng hand to mouth, collecting cans and pushing their cart to the nearest recycling center, which by the way is 3 1/2 miles from where I snapped this shot. Studies have shown that the current generation is the first in history that doesn't think they'll have a better standard of living than their parents. A news blip the day noted that price of oil is climbing now that the stock market is climbing a bit. Got that? The price of oil has nothing to do with supply and demand, it has to do with where the futures traders on the stock market think it should be. This country is broken folks, because we have allowed ourselves to be divided and distracted. If we do not unite as AMERICANS, rebuild the dream, offer hope, and rebuild the middle class scenes like this will become more and more the norm. Our entire economy is based on HOPE if you think about. Nothing backs our money since we left the Gold Standard, except hope and faith. That's really what caused our current crisis. The greed of the power-brokers drove everything to the point where it was no longer possible to BELIEVE that something was worth what some balance sheet somewhere claimed it was. Without that belief everything crumbled. We need to strip power from the lawmakers, the lobbyists, Wall Street and the lawyers and return it to where it was intended to be...with WE THE PEOPLE. I believe in that flag that is visible in this picture...a flag that promises that we are indivisible and offer liberty and justice for all...


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04/16/09 4:30 AM GMT
What a sad commentary on the State of the Union GBRx3. It is hard to believe we have let it come to this. I believe it can be fixed but it is going to take some time. Let's hope we figure this out before it is too late.
You photo is slightly out of focus but I feel it should be and have a feeling that was your intent. That is how our country seems to be right now. Better days will return, of this I am sure.
Good post and strong comments.


0∈ [?]
Insure what you touch during your lifetime, is not coated with the fingerprints of apathy....Tick
04/16/09 4:39 AM GMT
Whoa, Rich, you bowled me over with your commentary and I agree that it is right on and time for Americans to take back America. It isn't just rich Americans who run everything. There is a group of the stinking rich from all over the world who meet once a year and decide where our global society is going and who will be in charge. I don't envy the rich their money, for "it is harder for a rich man to enter heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle" and all wealth comes from the One who bestows it on us, but individually, we are judged by what we do with it. There will always be poor. As long as we spend billions around the globe killing innocent people with wars and dropping bombs from drones on other innocents, we will pay the price for our deeds and I think we are doing that now. We took too much for granted. We should have saved from our wealth for our hard times and taken from our health for our ill times, but we just kept trudging along with blinders living in our own little world's and not paying attention to a lot of what was going on in our name. It is best to change evil things if you can and speak out against them when you can't and when you can't even do that, then hate them in your heart.
Perhaps, it will require a revolution for those who lead to listen to the masses, but we can only pray that first they listen to their Creator and therein lies the hope. Pray for our leaders that they can do the right things at all times and when they can't, in America we still have the freedom to speak out.
Very moving image and narrative, Rich. I have seen many people like this. Most of our manufacturing has moved beyond our borders and we must import inferior and tainted goods from other places. God bless the farmers who provide the wheat for our daily bread and the vegetables for our table. But, curse the makers of genetically altered seeds who poison the natural equilibrium of nature and require the annual purchase of only their modified seeds and the pharmaceutical companies and insurance providers who drain our weekly paychecks. Only God knows where all this will lead, but if we remember that this is just a journey to a new world that awaits our coming, then we will have the peace of heart to weather the storms and love our neighbors.
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04/16/09 5:30 AM GMT
I saw the flag directly above this man as he hauled his 'catch' to the recycling center, and it struck me as both poignant and ironic... Then to read that he has been homeless for 15 years... makes me sad and angry at the same time. He obviously is ready and very willing to work rather than be on the'dole'. He does it every day, collecting cans and cycling 3 or 4 miles with them. That is very hard work! But I could yell to the heavens that life is unfair and hear only echoes coming back to me. Because he can't read or write he falls away into the shadows. I'm reminded of the saying: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

I've always detested labels... I can say I vote this way or that way but I'm neither this way nor that way. Labels keep us separate from each other and enable those who would force their ways on others to grab power and control over the rest of us.

Powerful image, Rich.

I've always detested labels
0∈ [?]
"Never let your studies interfere with your education." - Pete Seeger
04/19/09 2:49 AM GMT
I have faved this one. It is a great example of the state of affairs in this country.
0∈ [?]
05/02/09 2:02 AM GMT
I came to America from Germany with my MOm long ago, I was 10 years old. And I remember much from over there. And everyone thinks America is the ultimate dream. Wow, are they wrong. There are so many unjust laws here, in the USA, in each state, in each county, in each city...its horrifying. I could tell you some things you would flinch at. Things that I've seen first hand. People as families that are forced to be apart, torn apart by some rich people and how they use their money to help "make new laws" laws that are shocking and cruel and divide families over and over, and it's the little chilren that suffer, and the Moms that gave birth to them. Those children are just as harmed as those that were dealt horrible blows by Hitler. I can't even believe that here, in "the country of the free" this goes on. And it goes on and on and on. NO ONE can do a thing, because the more you try to do, the worse it is treated. It's so very sad. But on the other hand, we each can make choices, and we can in some small way help in many small ways. I have been able to help just a tiny bit with some of the prisoners in a womans prison near where I live. They are so grateful to have someone they can trust on the'outside.' Some have gotten out of there now, and most of them have NO CHANCE to get a job, because not only have they been labeled, but they are forced to pay money for group classes, each week for years to come. Many of them cannot go to work, during the time they were incarcerated, they needed medical attention and they did NOT get it. They suffered, and some even died. Those places don't even allow relatives to come to the funeral and if a Mom, a Dad or a grandparent died on "the outside" of this prison? The women inside were NOT allowed to go to that funeral. And then their little chilren have to live with who knows who!! Many of THOSE people are abusive. So as the Bible says "suffer, ye, the little chilren" Again what a sad society. Rich, your writings here have brought out some strong things, and I'm so glad I have gone back to see all of your series. I wish there were a website so that people could make this type of commentaries. I have thought about writing to local papers, but they are very biased. There are alternative magazines, I may try that. But maybe you have an idea or two, at least THIS is a start. Thank you for the photos and the thoughts we all have. Verena
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God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?" William Arthur Ward

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