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Uploaded: 11/30/06 5:25 AM GMT
Views: 1966
Dlds: 42
Status: active

The top little bit's shiny thing was inspired by the ashes test (go Australia!!) score border like whatever! argh! anyway i thought the middle fractal looked like a weird and wonkatatered flower, DON'T JUDGE ME!!!! *runs away and cries in corner*

Well, i'm leaving all you normal fractalists in the dust now! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!


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11/30/06 5:42 AM GMT
Well, what I know about cricket you could fit into a dustbin...I only learned a week ago that cricket died back in the 1800s and its ashes were sent to your fair count me out on being up to date..not to worry. I don't follow sports much here in the USA either...* avoids peels and rotten eggs that are thrown at me* I am a wandering artist..studying inside and outside art, including tearing my hair out on my first "real" fractal I was supposed to upload tonight and then ruined with overkill...someone please remind me to make duplicates of things I like so I can refer back to them when I've competely messed up the ahead of me in fractals.. I'm in a long line and heading up the rear..*holds out hand to pull you up from the corner* Nice job :)PJ
0∈ [?]
"We consider the artist to be a special sort of person. It is more likely that each of us is a special sort of artist." Elsa Gidlow
11/30/06 6:29 AM GMT
Nice but what is the gizmo at the top?
0∈ [?]
I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is. Albert Camus ........ My Gallery
11/30/06 9:25 AM GMT
Does it matter?
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| My Gallery | MWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! My Flower...ish fractal leaves all you fractalists eating my dust |
11/30/06 4:16 PM GMT
I like the fractal and the background- they work really well together. nicely done!
0∈ [?]
If you were to shoot a mime, would you need a silencer? ~*~*~*~ View my gallery!!
12/02/06 3:21 AM GMT
Absolutely love the fractal - it's so excellent. The top scroll bar thingy is great but I'm not sure that it adds to the fractal - feels like it is there as a text banner just waiting for the text. But the colours are very muted and elegant - Overall very pleasing, Speedy.
0∈ [?]
Never give up. “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.” John Quincy Adams
12/03/06 2:50 AM GMT

This is really cool! I like that banner thing up the top! You must tell me how you did it! I like, very interesting!

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