Very interesting - certainly different. I find the background especially interesting, although it is a little overwhelmed by the stripes. The reflections are great, although the diagonals tend to make the overall effect definitely 2d rather than 3d. I'm not sure if this is good or not. It's definitely an intriguing combination. Would be very interesting to know your thought processes here. (And also how you get the shines on your orbs to look right!)
Have to agree with Margali about the 2D/3D conflict - however I still find it a clean and effective desktop. Now I have to decide whether "Err" or "Transcending reflections" shall be my desktop today....hmmmm......
This is pretty cool! Pretty and cool, I should say. When I first looked at it in full screen, I got distracted by the background and thought the background would be great without the medallion in the center...just the white marbled bit. Then I read the comment above and wondered about the lines...which I do like. Soooo, maybe the bottom line is that you have it just right!
Ya know ... if you used the "Perspective" option in the Edit menu of PS, namely "Transform" ... and took the background image and made it tilt away ... what do you think? Add some more depth?
Yeah ... just a thought from the crazy drunken five-year old Canadian.
I see the 2D/3D issues as well, but I love it! I would be curious to see what it would look like "tilted back" too! I also like the subtle pattern behind the stripes. Makes you really appreciate it more in full view.
Nice work.
- cfr