
  The Weeping Willow  

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Uploaded: 01/07/17 3:44 AM GMT
The Weeping Willow
Views: 837
Dlds: 414
Status: active

If by chance some of you have the old one to this post(Connie? you should see some difference. some chromatic aberration(defringe) removed, my foot prints in the dew on the grass, as i backed up to line the tree up to block the morning sun...ect

I had this posted for a long time for a fallin comrade and friend. i forget the whole narrative that once was wrote

Something on the lines of: every leaf on this tree represents all the good times and bad times we shared... it weeps for a reason..or it is I that does now. we had know each other from such a young age! that we never even remembered meeting. hunting and fishing partners, covering for each other more times then I care to

Been two years now. as the snow falls, so does the times as kids throwing snowballs at cars just to get chased for the thrill of memories like that on a cold lonely night flood back. cant pick up the phone to call no later but still remember the number to dail.

Its not often you'll have someone..if anyone that you know will always have your back...and you have his in return. he wasnt one that would come bail me out of jail after a bar fight, he was the one in the same cell that would say the next morning "what the hell happen last night" as i would just smile...and nothing but a grin came back in return.

This post had to be returned in its rightful place. it was dedicated to him because there was one we used to climb as kids. 50 yr friendships dont come but maybe once in a life time. This ones for you Al!


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01/07/17 12:37 AM GMT
Chris, my compliments for removing the, in these lighting conditions often unavoidable, chromatic aberration in a very proper way. A tough job!
Although I can't compare it with the original one, I'm quite sure that you've enhanced the quality of this already very fine image.

Think that your comrade Al would have agreed with my comment.
2∈ [?]
Try to change what you can't accept, but accept what you can't change. Please CLICK HERE to see my journal! Feel free to save my images or to add them to your favorites.
01/07/17 2:51 PM GMT
Faved this one Sty! That grand tree with the lighting is magnificent. Well written tribute to your dear friend. I have only a few friends that go that far back, and I totally get it! tigs=^..^=
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Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
01/07/17 3:08 PM GMT
Gorgeous!, almost ghostly, but beautiful
2∈ [?]
01/07/17 3:09 PM GMT
Gorgeous!, almost ghostly, but beautiful
2∈ [?]
01/07/17 3:09 PM GMT
Gorgeous!, almost ghostly, but beautiful
2∈ [?]
01/07/17 6:07 PM GMT
Really beautiful and very special lighting for obviously a very special friend.
2∈ [?]
. . . Earth laughs in flowers! Ralph Waldo Emerson
01/08/17 3:09 AM GMT
Ah, I saved the first and can see that this is quite an improvement and I thought the first one was really good! This image was the inspiration for the Impressionism contest. It's beautiful.
3∈ [?]
01/08/17 8:27 PM GMT
We don't have these here, but I remember them from when I was up north.
2∈ [?]
Long before the white man and long before the wheel, when the dark green forests were too silent to be real. Lightfoot 1967
01/08/17 8:54 PM GMT
One large willow, one nice shot!
2∈ [?]
01/08/17 11:02 PM GMT
This is so good. Your narrative seems to fit so well for this image.
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01/09/17 8:56 PM GMT
Speechless. :-) The picture makes you feel you're standing in the willow's shadow yourself... actually that really fits with the narrative. I never saw the first, so I'm glad I got a second chance.
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01/09/17 9:27 PM GMT
Love the light beautiful for sure.

2∈ [?]
The reason why the sun sets in the evening is because it wants to see the sunrise in the morning. I rise in the morning because I want to see them both. RvdB
01/14/17 12:19 AM GMT
Beautifully said and such a fabulous posting, love the greens and textures and the sun shinning through
2∈ [?]

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