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Uploaded: 09/11/11 3:14 PM GMT
Views: 524
Dlds: 33
Status: active

I dedicate this image to those who were lost in the tragedy of 09/11/2001. Terroism struck home for me in the Oklahoma City bombings of the Federal building. I was a Federal employee for 31 years and had been working with a colleague in the Oklahoma City office on a case for weeks before that bombing. We had finally finished the case and the next day my colleague was killed in the bombing. The anger in me from that bubbled over a few weeks later when in a restaurant an individual sitting at the table next me made a stupid and cruel remark about the bombing. I literally jumped from my seat and told her off loudly in no uncertain terms - something not in my usual character. It was a feeling of helplessness that lingered and it is that feeling that many felt after the WTC destruction. But as you can see many of the roses in this image are battered but not bowed and there are tall straight ones in the background to keep the cycle of life going. So it is with America and Americans - don't forget the ones lost but keep on living your life and the terrorists don't win. All comments appreciated.


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09/11/11 3:21 PM GMT
Kathy - A beautiful photo and a narrative that brings tears to my eyes. Thad
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If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
09/11/11 3:26 PM GMT
Such lovely roses, Kathy. I am afraid that sometimes the terrorists are us and nobody ever 'wins'.
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LYTRO. The new light field photography. Refocus your shots AFTER you have taken them. Just click on the word LYTRO. See a VIDEO HERE.
09/11/11 4:34 PM GMT
That's sad about your colleague. It's still so sad about those two acts of terrorism. I visited the site of the Murrah Federal Building after it happened. It gave me chills. I have never been to the WTC site yet. This is a beautiful tribute image, Kathy.
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09/11/11 4:41 PM GMT
Gorgeous capture Kathy! And I'm so sorry about your friend. I had no idea you were there. How stupid and cruel some people can be!
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09/11/11 7:49 PM GMT
A beautiful tribute to those who lost so much. I'm truly sorry to hear of your loss as well, and good for you to stand up to that uncaring person when she was so thoughtless. Tigs♥ =^..^=

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Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
09/12/11 2:14 AM GMT
A lovely capture of these beautiful roses, Kathy. A gorgeous tribute and thoughtful posting. Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend to such senseless violence. Thanks for sharing.
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The difference between a bad artist and a good one is: the bad artist seems to copy a great deal; the good one really does. ~William Blake
09/12/11 1:00 PM GMT
Your photo in itself speaks volumes of the human spirit. That you suffered the emotional pain and shock and anger that you did and yet you are still able to see beauty and hope in the world around you - that is a healing in itself. I am very sorry you experienced that - I cannot imagine.. Good for you to stand up to that person. They probably gave no thought to the effect of their words and I hope you managed to change their thinking.
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09/12/11 3:57 PM GMT
A beautiful tribute, Kathy. Lovely capture.
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"Packers Rock!"
09/13/11 6:35 AM GMT
What a beautiful presentation! I remember the Oklahoma City bombing like it was yesterday. It was so odd to know that something like that could happen here. I am so sorry about your friend..that is sad. Stupid jerk I would have told him off too! Great shot Kathy, love it!
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I think im having amnesia and deja vu at the same time - I think I have forgotten this before.
09/19/11 6:32 PM GMT
Such a spectacular image as a tribute, it's absolutely breath taking Kathy & right into my favs
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