
Works by Junglegeorge

American bullbird by Junglegeorge, Photography->Manipulation gallery In the evening light by Junglegeorge, Computer->Landscape gallery The evil dead by Junglegeorge, Computer->Landscape gallery
American bullbird In the evening light The evil dead
Wooden anemone by Junglegeorge, Photography->Flowers gallery French bullseal by Junglegeorge, Photography->Manipulation gallery Gnarly Tree by Junglegeorge, Photography->Landscape gallery
Wooden anemone French bullseal Gnarly Tree
Rhinobird by Junglegeorge, Photography->Manipulation gallery Leatherback turtle by Junglegeorge, Computer->3D gallery Malte by Junglegeorge, Photography->People gallery
Rhinobird Leatherback turtle Malte
Abstract  #18 - Intarsia by Junglegeorge, abstract gallery Sunset by Junglegeorge, Photography->Sunset/Rise gallery Abstract #23 - Crocus by Junglegeorge, abstract gallery
Abstract #18 - Intarsia Sunset Abstract #23 - Crocus