
Works by Junglegeorge

Shumble by Junglegeorge, Photography->Manipulation gallery Terriboon by Junglegeorge, Photography->Manipulation gallery Butterunicorn by Junglegeorge, Photography->Manipulation gallery
Shumble Terriboon Butterunicorn
The accordian player by Junglegeorge, Photography->Manipulation gallery Horse siluette by Junglegeorge, Photography->Animals gallery Green water dragon #2 by Junglegeorge, Photography->Animals gallery
The accordian player Horse siluette Green water dragon #2
Blue elebird by Junglegeorge, Photography->Manipulation gallery Big ship´s cat by Junglegeorge, Photography->Manipulation gallery Coose by Junglegeorge, Photography->Manipulation gallery
Blue elebird Big ship´s cat Coose
Horsegull by Junglegeorge, Photography->Manipulation gallery Siberian tiger by Junglegeorge, photography->animals gallery Kalmar #1 by Junglegeorge, Photography->City gallery
Horsegull Siberian tiger Kalmar #1