
Works by Junglegeorge

Hedgehog by Junglegeorge, Photography->Animals gallery Horse by Junglegeorge, Photography->Animals gallery Chihuahowl by Junglegeorge, Photography->Manipulation gallery
Hedgehog Horse Chihuahowl
Riga harbour #2 by Junglegeorge, Photography->City gallery Friendship by Junglegeorge, Photography->Animals gallery Stink bug by Junglegeorge, Photography->Insects/Spiders gallery
Riga harbour #2 Friendship Stink bug
The campfire by Junglegeorge, Photography->Manipulation gallery Selfportrait by Junglegeorge, Photography->Manipulation gallery Fire in the sky by Junglegeorge, Photography->Sunset/Rise gallery
The campfire Selfportrait Fire in the sky
Russian house by Junglegeorge, Photography->Manipulation gallery Dogue de Bordeaux by Junglegeorge, photography->pets gallery Sunset by Junglegeorge, Photography->Sunset/Rise gallery
Russian house Dogue de Bordeaux Sunset