
Elephant Graveyard

Discussion Board -> Elephant Graveyard -> C-index system again

C-index system again

06/20/10 7:26 PM GMT
I'm not that mad!

On the one hand great comments for an image (thanks, my friends), but on the other hand a C-index of only 32 by now, for the same image, forces me to consider seriously whether I should quit with Caedes or not.

To me it's really a, hard to understand, hypocrite situation.
It seems to be that this voting system has become more and more a lottery, everything is possible from surprising good scores on the one hand to very disappointing results on the other hand for even good photographs.
Have to be humble, so I'm not saying however that I'm a good photographer, but in the four years that I'm a very active member on Caedes, think I'm able to determine whether an image is good or not, independent of my personal taste.
As long as some voters prefer to give 'snapshots' and other 'rubbish' good marks, and good images bad marks, my feeling for justice will be frustrated.

My opinion is not only based on what has happened to me. I've seen very good photographs of friends achieving a score that really makes me sad.

Therefore I'll need a couple of days to think it over.
I'm curious about your opinion on that.

Regards, Cornelius.
0∈ [?]
Cornelius was here either to enjoy your image or say 'thank you' for your interest in my work. Please CLICK HERE to see my journal!


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