
  The Angle 6.  

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Uploaded: 06/02/10 6:28 AM GMT
The Angle 6.
Views: 2760
Dlds: 490
Status: active

Number 6 in my mini photo essay on angles/diagonals. If you eye follows the flow of the water, in particular the whitewater, it follows an angled line from top right corner down thru the image. You might not consider the lines of whitewater to be "a line" but they have the same visual affect in terms of the overall image. In the field, half a step to left or right, half a foot forward or back, half a foot of crouch or a rock to elevate you, can make a massive difference to the image you capture. Many of us keen amateurs forget that how our eye sees a scene is different to the camera. Our eye roams over a scene, shifting different areas into and out of focus, we tend not to notice that the composite image in our mind's eye is just that, a composite. Then we point our camera, snap it, get it home and can't work out why the impact we felt in the field is not in the image. The chances are good that in the field our eye naturally followed the best lines and angles, tended to settle there, got an emotional kick from the goodness of those elements, but it was all unconscious. We noticed the "wow" but not the "how". From time to time we get lucky and the shot we get home DOES capture the wow elements. Those are our learning moments, really LOOK at the shots that others see the WOW in, what are the elements present? I'm not suggesting anyone will get a wow moment from this shot. :) I'm just feeling a bit pontificatory today. :) I'll shutup now.




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06/02/10 9:09 AM GMT
Perfect post (again) Mikel. I'm impressed by the wonderful and very special tones in it. Great job!
Regards, Cornelius.
PS: thanks for your very informative narrative as well.
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Cornelius was here either to enjoy your image or say 'thank you' for your interest in my work. Please CLICK HERE to see my journal!
06/02/10 11:22 AM GMT
Mikel - There are many things to like in this photo. Your composition is spot on, capturing the water and light beautifully. Thad
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If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
06/02/10 12:04 AM GMT
There is just so many different textures and movement that I can't keep my eyes in one area. Another great job.
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"Hurry to meet Death before your place is taken."
06/02/10 1:50 PM GMT
*¨¨* -:¦:- •:*¨¨* คฬєร๏๓є รђ๏t!!! *¨¨* -:¦:- •:*¨¨*
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every day is a gift......that's why it's called the present!!
06/02/10 4:52 PM GMT
You captured the movement of the water very well. Great clarity and colors :o)
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Carpe Diem!
06/02/10 7:28 PM GMT
Magnificent photo,Mikel..Magical water and Beautiful colors.
0∈ [?]
06/02/10 7:56 PM GMT
Great shot Mikel.
Thanks for sharing.
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Visit my gallery, there's always something new from France !!
06/02/10 8:27 PM GMT
Excellant Shot Mikel.
The colors and movement of the water is really Nice.
0∈ [?]
06/03/10 2:24 AM GMT
You know I love your water shots and this is no exception..Wonderful shot my friend.
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Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter. - Ansel Adams....... My Gallery
06/03/10 3:41 PM GMT
I totally "get" the wow you captured and described. I think this is one of your best water angle images. It feels like visually being there. Thank you for sharing it.
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06/04/10 4:37 AM GMT
Great shot Mikel. Faved! Saw it on VB and I knew it had to be yours :)

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06/12/10 4:37 AM GMT
You got a WOW from me! Love the water of course but the detail and colors on the rocks and in the water set this apart from typical water shots.

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06/22/10 3:31 AM GMT
There is beauty in motion here. Wonderful color. Awesome shot.
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06/27/10 10:41 AM GMT
I would kill to have streams like that near me. Gorgeous and eye catching.
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07/31/10 4:17 PM GMT
Great shot! The depth of field, colors, and lighting put the viewer right there in the moment. You can almost feel the cool water as it rushes by.
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