
Welcome to Caedes, the Desktop Wallpaper and Artist Community

Caedes is a close community of artists, designers, and photographers who share their work through the medium of computer desktop wallpaper. Feel free to browse the galleries, comment on other's work, and even submit your own art when you're ready. Sign up for a free username to access all features.

Featured Images

Transporter Bridge by toxiccosmic GreenWater. by pom1 Lands End by jazzyg
Transporter Bridge
Lands End
Kukulcan by jswgpb Duck on Shade by pabrenna Windsor Castle by heuers
Duck on Shade
Windsor Castle
Inside the Circle by lilu103 When the sun strokes... by Paul_Gerritsen The Wheelers by bfrank
Inside the Circle
When the sun strokes...
The Wheelers
Two Men on a Trip by SublimeXS Vitamin C++ by aDumBum Glacier Sunset by gitargr8
Two Men on a Trip
Vitamin C++
Glacier Sunset
Cattails! by Starglow Living Leaf by rahto rovinj, croatia by renchi
Living Leaf
rovinj, croatia
79 regular members - 205104 total images - 6 new images today

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