
Artist of the Week number 2

Submitted by Samatar 11/08/05 3:31 AM GMT

Our second "Artist of the Week" is nmsmith. He was chosen in a tiebreaker of four artists who were eligible by last weeks winner Paul, who chose Nathan over the others mainly due to his dedication to producing tutorials. Please be sure to visit Nathan's gallery and provide with any feedback you feel might be beneficial. Here is some information kindly provided by Nathan so that we might get to know him a little better.

I really feel honored to be picked as an "artist of the week" at Caedes. Especially since there are so many people I admire here that deserve it more than I. You asked for a brief bio - I am Nathan Smith. I'm married to Phyllis Smith and we have seven wonderful children which range in age from 10 to 22. Most of my children are better artists than I am. You've seen some of Rachael's work I've posted here at Caedes. Phyllis and I homeschooled our children for many years, which was a wonderful experience for us all. I attended received a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education, taught elementary school for 12 years, received a Master's degree in Instructional Technology, and now work as Director of Technology for the College of Education and Human Services at Utah State University in Logan, Utah. I'm also Director of the Adele and Dale Young Education Technology Center, and Manager of the NASA Educator Resource Center for Utah.

I've drawn and painted for as long as I can remember. I've taken many art courses at the university. I've experimented with a number of media; pastel, watercolor, oil paints, acrylics, charcoal, prismacolor pencils, ink, and pencil. When computers came around in the 80's, they sidetracked me from art (and actually provided me a new medium with which to draw and paint). Now I'm known more for my computer expertise than for my artwork. For photography I'm using a Kodak EasyShare 3.2 megapixel camera - and hoping someday to afford an 8 - 10 megapixel SLR which would allow me to do some serious photography. I have a Macintosh G5 dual processor tower with 2 gigabytes of RAM and a terrabyte of hard drive space, enough to let me do some serious exploring with the Adobe Creative Suite CS2. In addition, I have 76 other high end Macs and PCs in my labs here at work that I can fool around with.

I ran across Caedes almost 2 years ago, looking for some good desktop wallpaper to put in the labs here. The two artists who really caught my attention at that time were Peapod and Tracy. I was hooked and had to learn how to do stuff like that (still do). Anyway, as I mentioned earlier - there are many artists and friends here at Caedes who have inspired me (it would take me pages to name them all). You notice I don't have any pictures in my favorites gallery. That's because I have a folder with several thousand favorites that I've gleaned since being a member here. My thanks to you all for the camaraderie, inspiration, and fun I have while here. My only wish was that I had more time available to comment, critique, and share with you.

- Nathan Smith


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