

Submitted by Samatar 12/18/05 10:42 PM GMT

Our seventh Artist of the Week is Jojomercury. As usual you are encouraged to take a look at his gallery and provide feedback and encouragement to this deserving photographer. Here is Joseph's bio for you to learn a bit more about him:

Jojomercury: It is a great honor to be chosen this week as the featured artist. Like Pierre I was surfing for wallpaper when I found and I have been off and running with my photography since then. One of my earliest expierences with a camera was using an old yashica at rock concerts. I wonder what ever happen to those photos lol. Once I was back stage at a Greatful Dead concert and got some great close up shots of the band. Mostly before digital it was throw away cameras for vacation and family events. About 5 years ago I got a digital camera and fell in love with photography again. I enjoy many diffrent types of photography and although I do many nature pieces I am always on the look out for anything interesting to shoot. My favorite image in my gallery is 'Imagine' which was taken in the Japanese Garden at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St.Louis, Missouri where I reside. I respect many peoples photography and art on this site. This site and the people here have improved my photography by their comments and suggestions. One of my favorite subjects is my daughter Samantha who just turned 7 this week. I am living and enjoying life and am proud of my association with Caedes and it's members many who have become close friends. If you are new here please give the site a chance. It is a wonderful place to view and submit art and you may find something else Friends. Peace&Respect Joseph M.


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