
Artist Spotlight #14

Submitted by Piner 04/30/06 11:28 PM GMT

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to read ekowalska's Artist Spotlight, take a look at her gallery and provide feedback and encouragement to this deserving member... As usual, should you or any member of your C.M. Force be captured or killed, the senate will disavow any knowledge of your existence. This webpage will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, caedes members.

My dear friends, with your unexpected verdict I feel the sense of responsibility to express my deepest gratitude for being selected for the Artist Spotlight. Words can't express my astonishment when I found out about this honorable nomination. How is that possible, after only nine months in Caedes? There are definitely many more acknowledged artists who contributed to this site much more than I did. I am deeply touched.

I am very glad that despite my modest experience you appreciated my works which, I suppose, are evolving with time and skills I have acquired. (To tell you the truth, frankly speaking), my big adventure with photography started in July 2005 when I joined Caedes community. My main aim was to please my eyes with the beautiful and vast resources of different galleries, to improve my skills, to stir my imagination, and reinforce my senses.

I guess I took the sensitivity to color after my mother whose biggest dream was to become the antique restorer. I never aimed that high but felt happy to deal with different artistic activities. I developed my skills in college; the cultural-linguistic profile offered many interesting opportunities: film, theatre and art classes, frequent visits to art exhibitions and film sets… That was also the time when I devoted much time to oil painting. Landscapes were my favorite to produce, and so they still are now. I became more pragmatic during my studies though and graduated in finance and management. Now I am a bank analyst sensitive not only to figures but even more to color and light.

My first encounter with photography was similar as in case of other Caedes friends. I took numerous photos during my summer holidays, family events etc... At that time it was usually me or my beloved that were the focal point of each image. The background was there only to document a trip or an event. When I think of those past photos I can only snicker with embarrassment.

When I discovered the Caedes site, a completely new world opened in front of my eyes and I was welcomed warm-heartedly. My artistic part took over with an overwhelming intensity. Soon I started studying different possibilities my Canon Powershot A80 camera had to offer. I got familiar with various photo editing applications, with some different trial version every 30 days, lol. It was the time of intensive exploration of all the new opportunities that photography had in store for me. My husband observed my newly discovered passion with alarm, then astonishment, and finally with approval. He was the main victim of my new time-consuming addiction. Now he is looking forward to my new acquisitions every time I come back from an airplane trip. My new color sensitive eyes let me discover many familiar places anew. To my great surprise beautiful sceneries are not that difficult to find. In the neighborhood, in my parents’ cottage place, and all around me: in the parks, even in the city center.

I have to admit the Fall season got me even more obsessed. I became overly color-sensitive to some extend. The reason I bring it up is that it was the first fall season in my life I could consciously enjoy the warmth of the sun and the fall color palette represented in the foliage. Finally, I could truly appreciate the natural wonders I have not paid much attention to before. I could compare this experience to a blind person who has just recovered her sight and is so excited about the surrounding world.

In my images I try to convey the atmosphere of the place, moment and light. I guess it is a real challenge generating the “poetic captures”. My ambition is to present something more than just a nice landscape. I would like to show some character of the place. Most of you have never been to Poland so I guess it is also useful to provide you with some information from time to time, to introduce to the subject. I would like to encourage you to visit the beautiful places presented in the photos one day. This is what I would call my small contribution.

I know this state of crazy color and light affection may fade away one day. But I have to thank you all for this breathtaking experience you were so kind to grant me. Your words of encouragement, your accurate suggestions, both positive and critical comments, they keep me motivated and give me a tremendous boost of enthusiasm. Many talented artists (I won’t even try to list them all because it would probably take another half a page) inspired me in my search for new challenges. I do hope this wonderful adventure never ends.

Ewa Kowalska


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