
Artist Spotlight #16

Submitted by Piner 05/29/06 4:02 PM GMT

They're creepy and they're kooky, Mysterious and spooky,
The images are all together ooky, That's Grimbug's Gallery.

He should live in a museum, Where people could come to see him, He really is a scream, That's Grimbug's fantasy.

(Neat) (Sweet?) (Petite?!?!)

So turn your computer on, Open a web browser you can crawl on, We're gonna pay a call on, Grimbug and his gallery!

AaaarRrrghHHhh I'm melting! I'm melting!! Dragged out of the darkest depths of the Manipulation galleries and exposed to the bright harsh glare of the front page! Like all good children, I’m normally seen but not heard! But you pulled me out of my cave now, so I best get down to business! Well, the name is Graeme Murgatroyd! Although nigh on everyone calls me Grim anyway! I'm 27 years old and going strong and have an odd penchant for rats! I’m currently single and have blessed the world by not finding anyone crazy enough to breed with me! Speaking of which, I was born and raised in England (UK) currently live in Bristol, having been here for the last 6 years, 3 of which were at uni! Before that I was living in Essex and London, I'm actually from St. Albans in Hertfordshire, but most of my family hails from North of the border, in the land of scotch mist!

And so it was, from an early age my mother encouraged my artistic leanings! As the boxes of my old scribbles stored in her attic would testify to! I've studied art at secondary school, 6th form, college and university! And before all of that I was an avid scribbler, so in all I've spent almost my entire life to date crafting something! University was a great time! A barrel of laughs in a social circle of close knit artistics! But me, art, and university didn’t mix! Thankfully it was during my time at uni I became good friends with Sir Avi (monkeypuzzle) and it was way back when, in October 2003 that he showed me a great website to grab a desktop! I wasn’t shy, and decided to get stuck in!

I had not really dabbled that much in computer art or photography that much, I've always been a draughtsman and painter, with a leaning towards sculpting and 3D forms at times! But I was starting to use my PC often! Caedes provided me with the perfect location to test and experiment! As a result a lot of my early work was very abstract, dealing in shapes forms and colors in simple ways I could manage as I slowly learned to come to grips with Adobe Photoshop! Over time, with the continued support from all the great people here on caedes, I've continued working on the beast! I've always been really inspired by the works of many of the people here! There are a few people dear to my heart and 2 such wonderful ladies are our Lucy (Cain) and Tracy (TRACYJTZ), It was their work and work from others like them that really inspired me early on! As a result I've found myself improving and now feel I’ve found a home for myself tucked away in the photo manipulation realms!

I’m a bit of a snap happy photographer and will more often tidy up in PS rather than spend time seeking the perfect shot at the camera! I work with a fairly unimpressive standard HP 4 megapix camera! Nothing flashy at all! I am however, an avid fan of the online sharing of stock images! Working on a new picture I will more often than not, find myself dealing exclusively in stock images. This is with the exception of a lot of the people in my work, who are inevitably people who i have found in my net wonderings, willing to submit themselves to my Machiavellian schemes! I've really fallen in love with the way you can bring so many images together to form a new image so seamlessly within PS with a bit of time, care and practice!

I've been a busy little beaver as of late as far as the art work goes! Most recently putting together a series of Faux Victorian fairy photos, all in aid of the gallery show 'Mythorobelia & Curiosa' on in my home town of Bristol, featuring me and other local artists! You can take a Virtual tour of the show if you like, step right up ladies and gentlemen, and enter an 'Exhibition of the Fantastic', some may not be for the faint-hearted! So tarry not, enter if you will...HERE.

As far as picking one of my favorite pictures goes, it’s a tough one! Most of my pictures end up having a personal meaning to me and i often get caught up in my own story telling! I have always had a real thing for the Darker side of life, and vie never been afraid to explore the GRIMer side of life and death! Masque has always been one of my personal favorites in that regard! And I think any of my images, done recently as, I've been getting into 'multiple photo recombining' are works I am really proud of!

I seem to have rambled on a bit, so I better let you get back to whatever you were meant to be doing last week, before my mad rant hijacked your PC's, bet you regret clicking on that front page news article now!! That will teach you for being lured in by Piner's smooth talking! And so I will scurry back into my cave, feel free to scribe a message on the wall, I hope you all enjoy my work half as much as I enjoy creating it for Caedes!

Love & Lollipops, GRiM!

P.S. There are still a few spaces left in The Caedes Deck, so get yourself over there and check out what it's all about! YES, I MEAN YOU!!! Come along hurry it up, no dawdling now!


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