
Artist Spotlight #20

Submitted by Piner 11/16/06 5:14 PM GMT

Our latest artist to be spotlighted is a prolific photographer that has the knack to capture the true beauty of the unspoiled wilderness, his name is Jerry, but most of you know him as DigiCamMan. Please be sure to peruse his gallery and comment on his works.

Needless to say I am just thrilled about this. Before I start thanking everyone, I would like to thank God aka Jesus Christ for giving me what tools and ability that I may possess. It's Him who paints the scenes we all view no matter who takes the pictures. I am fortunate to be in a place that abounds with such scenes. I love the whole process, going into the mountains or where ever and finding the shots to coming home and seeing the pics begin to reveal themselves to me, and then the magic of the post processing.

Now I guess I have to lift the mask a bit and reveal myself. My name is Jerry as you all know and I am 64 years old, but really going on 15. I have been married to my wife Sherry for 42 years. Yup the same woman for all that time... boy am I strong or what? We have one son, Dana who is 34 years old and we have one granddaughter named Dalilah...the love of our lives. My wife and I own and operate our own carpet cleaning company and have been doing it for 30 years. We have three birds, Parrots Wolfgang and Virgil and a Cockatiel Joey. Cats are Billy, Buddy, Tasha, Cassidy, and Ling Ling. My lust for photography started way back in the end of January of 2006. If you look at my first pic 'Goat Rock' you are looking at my first landscape. My wife had just purchased a Kodak Z760 6.1 megapixel camera for Christmas and I liked the clarity so I decided to go out a take some pictures. Goat Rock was the first one that amounted to anything. At that time they were no big deal to me. I had always searched the web for wallpapers and would 'juice' some of them up a bit. A friend turned me on to Kim Kamando and in her review was a wallpaper site. I thought, "Oh cool! I love wallpaper sites." was I signed up and shortly thereafter posted 'Goat Rock', Well as you all know the hook was set. Hobbies? None, with me everything is a it the best you can.

As many of you know the equipment that I use now is the Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT and primarily use a Tamron AF18-200mm Di-II lens. I also have the Canon 18-55mm kit lens and a Tamron AF70-300mm Di lens. Tripod is a Slik Pro 340 DX and I use Sandisk Ultra II CF cards and I shoot RAW format. I have plans on getting the Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi in the very near future.

I would like to thank our fearless leader the big eye for creating such a wonderful site and allowing all of us to not only post here and show our stuff but for creating such a great community for people to interact. Also the great support group that you have put together. I love you people each and every one and just have a blast here. Sad times too, but we can help hold each other up and do. It's a special place.

My inspirations here at Caedes are many. I will name a few and if I don't name you don't feel bad, it would take five pages to name you all. Here are a few: Clay (prismmagic) kind of a mentor to me, Pierre (ppigeon), Michael (photoimagery), Robert (trisbert), Paul (paul_gerritsen), Carl (d_spin_9), Ewa (ekowalska) and me mates owd Bob (Dunstickin), and Brian (shedhead)...and let's not forget the fractal artists...Lauren (laurengary), Larry (razorjack51), J-Lady (j_272004), and the flower girls Cindy (cynlee), Mariana (marianaewa), and Eve (lyneve). There are many many more, so forgive me if I didn't mention you...maybe in my book.

I was asked what is my favorite photo?...sheesh...all of them. They are all memories each unique in themselves. I just can't pick a favorite, like I said I just love the whole process from getting there to uploading. I would like to thank all who have supported me and to all who vote good or bad. If I could give any tips they would be... Don't be discouraged by criticism it's the best thing that can happen to you. If you do bad pics and everyone says they are great you will always do bad pics. I am on a site with many pros and the critique is very important and informative. Next.. when you shoot a subject shoot many shots from different angles and even different settings that way you are bound to come up with one good one. Lastly don't upload junk just to be uploading... that junk stays in your gallery and reflects on the overall look of your gallery.

Once again I would like to thank all of those who voted for me and to everyone who has and continues to support me. For all those who I may have influenced to buy Canon Rebels please contact Canon USA and tell them... then tell them to send me a Canon 5D... I would really appreciate it. While you're at it contact Chevrolet and try to weasel a Corvette for me too.

Love ya all, Jerry


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