
Artist Spotlight #21

Submitted by Piner 12/22/06 12:41 AM GMT

Our latest Artist Spotlight falls upon the 'blossoming' photographer, marilynjane. Be sure to check out her gallery and give her some feedback on her works.

Hello Everyone,

I am deeply honored to be nominated for the Artist Spotlight by my wonderful friends at Caedes. I consider this to be a real blessing indeed!

My name is Marilyn Walsh, and I am known to Caedes members as marilynjane. I live in Lansing, Michigan, the state that is surrounded by the magnificent Great Lakes. I attended Michigan State University, married, raised six children, and have five grandchildren. During this time, I had the pleasure of owning two German Shepherds and one Shi-Tzu, who the children and I enjoyed immensely.

I was first introduced to Caedes by a close friend two years ago and have been a member ever since. I became keenly interested in floral photography when I awoke to nature's beauty during my daily runs. In my youth, I expressed my creativity through roller-skating, ice-skating, and tennis. Today, I gain great satisfaction from capturing the magic of color and the intricate design of "the flower" through the lens of a camera.

I am currently using an Olympus e-500; however, the bulk of my work was done with an Olympus Camedia C-740 Ultra Zoom, 3.2 megapixels. I am benefiting from experimenting with PhotoShop, and I am delighted with the enhanced quality of the images produced. I recently joined a photography club in my area, and I am enjoying learning from and sharing ideas with others in a relaxed atmosphere. It has been remarkably entertaining!

I have enjoyed every minute of my association with Caedes and have met many wonderful, talented people here who have shared their skills and talents with me. Among these numerous great artists are Nathan Smith, Bob Graham (Dunstickin'), Junebug (June), Mimi, Russ Heidlerr, and Michael (Photoimagery). And special thanks to Jerry Lysco, who has been a friendly helper in teaching me a better understanding of the computer.

Learning from, laughing with, and knowing the friendly, generous people from Caedes has been one of my most pleasant experiences! Thank you for your recognition!




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