
Artist Spotlight #22

Submitted by Piner 01/21/07 12:57 AM GMT

The first of this year's Artist Spotlights features a member that started with posting computer graphics, but then moved on to photography and he has really excelled in that medium. Without further ado, let me introduce to you, the person whose parents named him Carl, but we all know him as d_spin_9. Be sure to browse through his gallery and leave him some feedback on his works.

Thank you everyone for the nominiation.

Now I will observe tradition, and tell you all the boring details of my existence and involvement with this site.

I am a 2nd year Mech Engineering student at the University of Calgary. (yes, living at home) . I have been posting to this website for almost 3 years now. I began more with the CG kinda graphics stuff, but soon grew bored of that and got into more serious photography. I use a Nikon D70, with a 50mm 1.8, a Sigma 10-20mm, and the Nikkor 80-200 2.8. its all great stuff, and an expensive hobby, as I'm sure most of you are aware.

Lately my photography has slowed somewhat, this could be attributed to many causes, few of which are symbiotic with photography. XC-skiing, canoeing, and Rock Climbing are pretty much the only activities of mine which are photogenic. Other than that I am kept busy with one of the following:

-Girlfriend (the one and only Kim)

-InterVaristy Christian Fellowship (think university youth, lotsa fun)

-Homework (but that's overrated anyways)




-Piano (ya right, I never do that anymore)

My most favorite artist on this site is Milo_Anderson. I've known him since before I could walk, so I'll admit it's not really fair to the rest of you. I would tell you all his real name, but he probably wouldnt appreciate it. Other than that, there's a lot of amazing artists here, however I'd mostly know only the ones who've been around over a year, so i'll refrain from putting out a limited list of all the great artists here.

Of my images the favourites are generally the ones already ranked high by that crazy C-index thing they use. there are a few exceptions like "Sun, Snow, Water, Ice" and "barb" but I can understand why these dont win in the popular opinion.

Thanks, Carl


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