
Artist Spotlight # 24

Submitted by mimi 07/03/07 8:49 AM GMT

I am happy to announce the winner of our Artist Spotlight.
I present to you Patti, better known to us as fogz Have yourself a nice break and browse her gallery and give her some feedback on her works of art.

Was I surprised when I received a message to say I had been chosen to be featured in the spotlight section here at Caedes!! ....thank you so much my friends for nominating me! it means a lot to me to know that my photography has improved enough to make you think I deserve this honour! :)

....and now I have been asked to reveal some facts behind the name ... I think a lot of my pictures give away my feelings and thoughts, so I expect I have exposed a lot of my personality to you real name is Patti and I live in South Manchester, England! I am 55 (but still 25 in my head) and am one of seven children - the middle child, so I suspect I have middle child syndrome in triplicate! LOL! I have three children who I am very proud of as they are all sensitive caring adults - two sons 25 and 27 and a daughter 18. I work as a PA for an international Pharmaceutical Company - PA meaning Personal Assistant and I work for Global IT Managers organising their time and basically telling them what to do! I'm quite good at that! ;)

...and what do I do in my spare time? all know! ...I take photographs, not just one or two, I take as many as 250 in one afternoon! I love to walk around the beautiful countryside here in the UK and have been on a mission promoting it's beauty via this media! I think I might well have succeeded! I also like to work in Photoshop and PaintshopPro and before I took up photography I spent a lot of my time making graphics and animations. I enjoy puzzles - crosswords, numerical problems and Photoshop poses many! LOL! I love to travel - I have met some wonderful people online - not in chatrooms but whilst at sites such as this one - I have been a member at other online clubs - and even helped to manage one. I have visited a friend I met online and her family in Calgary twice, and once met up with Nancy (Scorp) who is also a member here at Caedes. I have travelled to the US, Canada, Scotland, Ireland, Austria, France, Sweden, Denmark,Holland, Chech Republic, Slovakia, Malta, Spain and the Canary Isles .....and have a long list of places I would like to see. I have plans to travel to Spain in September and am hoping to make another trip to Europe later in the year, but am undecided as to where to go as yet! when did I find Caedes? .....well like many of you I was browsing the net looking for a new desktop image. I had put Caedes in my favourites after using a Christmas image two years ago! In March last year I found the link in my favourites and started looking through the images ....well three hours later I was still looking! I could not believe how many amazing images I had found all in one place! I had always loved taking photographs but on a more casual basis and I had quite a lot of photographs already on file - I decided to post one of my own photographs - a sunset picture I had taken in Spain, but someone left a comment to say the horizon was crooked! :O ... so I quickly deleted it and thought 'how rude!' LOL! ..I soon got over that and decided that they were just helping me and that I should take their advice and repost it! ...and I haven't stopped posting since that day! I doubt whether 'Caedes' envisaged how popular and how quickly this site would grow and I admire his ingenuity in putting together what has become one of the most popular artists sites on the net! ....and I think I can speak on behalf of everyone in saying how much we appreciate the incredible job Caedes and the administrators do in keeping us all in order – sometimes we moan about rules and C-index and other minor annoyances, but it is obvious that they put a great deal of their own time and effort in keeping everything shipshape. If it was left to us there would be mutiny onboard and we would be making a few people (mandroids) walk the plank! lol!

I have been a member since March 06 and during that time my list of friends has grown and grown ..... well to cut it short, I have met a lot of wonderful people here - and you know by the comments and messages how much I appreciate your friendship.Before I joined Caedes I was using a little Nikon digicam, 3 point something pixels! LOL! I now use a Canon EOS 350D (Rebel XT in the US) recommended by PatAndre with a Tamron 18-200 lens recommended by Jerry (DigiCamMan) – I love that lens - it works well for me and I do not change it very often! I would like to upgrade to the Canon EOS 400 camera ...which I am hoping to do in the not too distant future. and my favourite picture? well I don't really have one - I only post images that I think are good enough to go on a desktop - I can spend hours looking through my images and then working on them to make them look as good as I can make them - I try to put feelings and expressions in my pictures and hope that comes across. I have to say I was thrilled when my entry into the Autumn contest was voted best image - I was smiling from ear to ear and in shock!

...It was probably not a good idea to ask me to write something as I get carried I will stop here ....and just say to all my friends here - thank you for giving me the encouragement I needed to pursue this hobby, thank you again for nominating me and thank you for enriching my life! :) where are those tissues and where is my Oscar? LOL!



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