
Artist Spotlight # 33

Submitted by mimi 06/04/08 2:18 AM GMT

Nominated by popular vote, I present the next artist to be spotlighted. Her username is defined as any of various insects of the order Phasmida, including the leaf insects and walking sticks, especially common in tropical areas and resembling foliage in color and form.
Here is PJ or 'peej' as she is known to her close friends. Please visit her gallery and leave some words of praise.

Wow! I'm bowled over by the idea of being AOTM, but I'm learning to live with it! I can't thank all of the people who have been supportive of my work: the list would go on and on and besides all of you know who you are and just how much you mean to me, as I have expressed my thanks to you personally. The comments and attention of all who view my uploads have kept me going here and have enhanced my life immensely. Also being privileged to view the work of my fellow Caedesians has helped me gain progress as well. I do want to make sure and thank *caedes for providing such a wonderful environment for artists to expand and express themselves. It's been a sometimes frustrating but in the end always an enriching experience and for as long as it continues I hope to be here as well. My real name is PJ Kinney-Lorenz, and I really do live in the north country of New Hampshire, and I really can fly *smile*. I have three wonderful kids and I am married to Patrick. I know that has caused some confusion in the past as I actually hijacked Pat's account, one which was started back in 2004 at my daughter's recommendation.

My equipment consists of: a Canon Rebel XTi 10.1 megapixel, the 18-55mm kit lens that came with it, a Tamron 70-300 telephoto and two recent additions; a 60mm macro lens and a 10-18mm wide angle lens that I have yet to fully utilize. My "stealth" camera is a Sony SuperShot 8.1 megapixel with a Zeiss lens. Of course I have various and sundry tools to help me on this photographic journey, not the least of which is my post processing buddy, Photoshop CS3. I shoot all of my Canon shots in RAW and rather than trust the JPEG that comes out of the camera, I enjoy the flexibility that PS provides as a digital darkroom.

My father is a shutterbug and he opened this door of artistic expression to me with his constant vigilence in shooting film and saving all of it to a slide format. He has shots taken many years ago that look like they were taken yesterday. M grandmother gave me my first camera when I was 7 years old, and I've never really been without some sort of photographic device from that time to this. It's only been since I have had the time to do so that I've grown serious about it over the last few years, but

it's "in my blood". And I will confess here that I feel most comfortable behind the lens rather than in front of it! I do have other interests, although they have taken a back seat in the last few years, and that includes drawing, music, reading and several types of needlework in addition to a serious addiction to keeping myself healthy and on my feet through a hodgepodge of exercise regimens. I was asked which one of my images is my personal favorite, and at the moment I'd have to say that "Warming Rays" ranks right up there. It was such a special moment for me personally, and one that drew me even deeper into this art form and into the world around me.

Photography keeps me connected and alive and aside from my family and friends is a most important facet of my life. Thank you all again.


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