
Artist Spotlight #40: dmk

Submitted by mimi 04/28/09 7:25 AM GMT

The next artist spotlight is Darryn, a.k.a dmk. Take some time today to enjoy his gallery and leave a comment or two. Darryn's biography:

I don't actually know how to express how absolutely shocked I am and what an honour it is to have my gallery showcased. When I got the message from Mimi, I had to keep going to the top of the page just to keep checking that it was my name and that she hadn't sent me the message by mistake :) So seeing as though its no mistake, I would like to thank anyone who thought my gallery to be worthy of being showcased. It’s such an overwhelming thought that my images do actually catch people’s eyes, and hopefully do more than just that. I hope that my images will be able to inspire (in the most humble way) just like I have been inspired by so many amazing and talented artists and photographers here on Caedes. Well part of the deal was that I write a short Biography about myself and let you know a little about my life and background, so here it goes...

My name is Darryn, I am 26 years old and I live in a small village called Kloof just outside of Durban city, South Africa. For those of you that don't know, my wonderful country will be hosting the World cup Football, or soccer as we call it over here in 2010. So there is lots of excitement and hype about that at the moment. I am the youngest sibling of three, my Sister being the eldest who stays near by with her husband, and I also have a brother who now lives in Australia.(WHY?) :P My parents are both retired and are also living in Kloof. So except for my bro( which I chat too occasionally on Skype), we are all still pretty close and spend good family time around many Braais, our SA word for BBQ's :) My other hobbies besides photography are not really hobbies but more a lifestyle, I love sport! I play a lot of golf, Football with my friends, and our No 1 sports here in SA are rugby and cricket which I don't really play any more since I left school, but we enjoy watching the local and National teams on the Tele.

Okay, so enough about the family before I bore you to death! I only started getting into photography about 3 years ago when I was in the UK on a working holiday. It was coming to the end of my Visa and I took the opportunity to do a bit of travelling around Europe, and you can’t go sightseeing and not take a camera, because at that point I never owned one. So I went out and did a bit of research and bought myself my first camera, being a digital one at that because me being young and hip wasn't even thinking about film, and thought that the fact that you could view your pics straight away on a little screen on the camera was just mind boggling to me, and for that reason alone I had to have one! Oh, so anyway I ended up getting a little Sony Cybershot 5.1m and little did I know that this little tool was going to start something in my life that I had no idea I would be so incredibly passionate about, and is constantly on my mind everyday, Photography. So if you end up looking through my gallery and come across some pics I took in Paris and Venice, then those are my very first pics I took as a "photographer". I ended up having my Sony for quite sometime and it took me a great deal of saving and patience here in SA till I managed to get my DSLR, a NIKON D80, which I ended up getting in November 2008, so I haven't had it for very long, but I'm making sure I get good use out of it and feels like I’ve had it for a lot longer. I managed to get a really nice deal with my D80, and got the Standard Nikor 18 - 55mm as well as a Tamron 70 - 300mm, so at the mo that's the only equipment I have and my trusty tripod. I do my best to make the most of what I have, because equipment here in SA is quite expensive for me. I'm hoping in the near future to add a Macro lens and a super wide angle lens to my bag.

My inspiration for photography comes from all you people here on Caedes, magazines, the Internet, and an amazing Australian landscape photographer by the name of Ken Duncan. I came across Caedes by a friend who told me about it, because she works for a church and uses some of the art for the projector backgrounds for the song words. She suggested that I put some of my pictures up on Caedes and see what people think of my photos, because I was a newbie in photography I had no idea where I stood in the photographing world and whether my pics were any good, I had some of my friends complimenting me on my pics, but thought they were just being kind and biased :) I'm really glad that I have become apart of this awesome community and with every ones comments and critiques on my pics, and by viewing other people’s work I have learned so much. And let’s not forget that I have made some wonderful friends here and I look forward to making many more!

I've been asked to name my favourite image in my gallery, and I'm going to have to go with "Signals". For me it was one of my most rewarding shots, the mood, the clarity, the time exposure, the comp, it's just an all round solid shot for me personally, and I remember being really chuffed with it and felt I achieved pretty much what I had in mind before I took the shot.

I would like to end off by just saying another thank you to everyone here on Caedes who have supported me, given me advice, encouraged me on my work, and inspired me by yours. I have really enjoyed my time here so far, and I look forward to many, many more years with all of you. I hope you enjoy my gallery.


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