
Works by Bleizmor

Wood pigeon by Bleizmor, photography->manipulation gallery Diptere by Bleizmor, photography->insects/spiders gallery La Louisette by Bleizmor, photography->boats gallery
Wood pigeon Diptere La Louisette
Saint-Goustan by Bleizmor, photography->city gallery Barbary Macaque - Magot by Bleizmor, photography->animals gallery Colorado potato beetle - Leptinotarsa decemlineata by Bleizmor, photography->insects/spiders gallery
Saint-Goustan Barbary Macaque - Magot Colorado potato beetle - Leptinotarsa decemlineata
The lighthouse of the "Old" and the turret of the "Plate" by Bleizmor, photography->shorelines gallery Menhir in Brittany by Bleizmor, photography->sculpture gallery Seeds by Bleizmor, photography->nature gallery
The lighthouse of the "Old" and the turret of the "Plate" Menhir in Brittany Seeds
Grue couronnée - The Crowned Crane by Bleizmor, photography->birds gallery Fort de Keragan by Bleizmor, photography->architecture gallery Phare du Péristyle by Bleizmor, photography->lighthouses gallery
Grue couronnée - The Crowned Crane Fort de Keragan Phare du Péristyle