
Works by Dale_G_12

Mushrooms by Dale_G_12, photography->mushrooms gallery Goose by Dale_G_12, photography->birds gallery Naked by Dale_G_12, photography->architecture gallery
Mushrooms Goose Naked
Winter Sunset by Dale_G_12, photography->skies gallery Orb by Dale_G_12, photography->architecture gallery The Drought by Dale_G_12, photography->water gallery
Winter Sunset Orb The Drought
Fire Fluff by Dale_G_12, photography->fire gallery The Trip by Dale_G_12, photography->architecture gallery The Look Out by Dale_G_12, photography->birds gallery
Fire Fluff The Trip The Look Out
Twisty Road by Dale_G_12, photography->landscape gallery The Rock by Dale_G_12, photography->landscape gallery Seed by Dale_G_12, photography->macro gallery
Twisty Road The Rock Seed